Full-Time Faculty Handbook



The Handbooks are revised periodically in consultation with the UNC Charlotte Faculty Council.  The University reserves the right to alter or change any statement contained herein without prior notice.  For the most complete and current policy and procedure documents, please see the Office of Academic Affairs and the Office of Legal Affairs.  For further questions or suggestions, please contact the Office of Academic Affairs.

History and governance

History and Governance of the University of North Carolina

History of the University of North Carolina

In North Carolina, all the public educational institutions that grant baccalaureate degrees are part of the University of North Carolina. The multi-campus state university encompasses 16 such institutions, as well as the NC School of Science and Mathematics, the nation’s first public residential high school for gifted students. Chartered by the North Carolina General Assembly in 1789, the University of North Carolina was the first public university in the United States to open its doors and the only one to graduate students in the eighteenth century. The first class was admitted in Chapel Hill in 1795. For the next 136 years, the only campus of the University of North Carolina was at Chapel Hill.

Additional institutions of higher education, diverse in origin and purpose, began to win sponsorship from the General Assembly beginning as early as 1877. Five were historically black institutions, and another was founded to educate American Indians. Some began as high schools. Several were created to prepare teachers for the public schools. Others had a technological emphasis. One is a training school for performing artists.

The 1931 session of the General Assembly redefined the University of North Carolina to include three state-supported institutions: the campus at Chapel Hill (now the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), North Carolina State College (now North Carolina State University at Raleigh), and Woman’s College (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro). The new multi-campus University operated with one board of trustees and one president. By 1969, three additional campuses had joined the University through legislative action: the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

In 1971, legislation was passed bringing into the University of North Carolina the state’s ten remaining public senior institutions, each of which had until then been legally separate: Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, North Carolina Central University, the North Carolina School of the Arts (now the University of North Carolina School of the Arts), Pembroke State University (now the University of North Carolina at Pembroke), Western Carolina University, and Winston-Salem State University. In 1985, the NC School of Science and Mathematics was declared an affiliated school of the University; in July 2007, NCSSM by legislative action became a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina. All the schools and universities welcome students of both sexes and all races.

Board of Govenors

The UNC Board of Governors is the policy-making body legally charged with “the general determination, control, supervision, management, and governance of all affairs of the constituent institutions.” The 32 voting members of the Board of Governors are elected by the General Assembly for four-year terms. Former Board chairs and Board members who are former governors of North Carolina may continue to serve for limited periods as non-voting members emeriti. The president of the UNC Association of Student Governments or that student’s designee is also a non-voting member. Information about the authority granted to the Board of Governors can be found in Section 101 of The Code. President and General Administration of the University of North Carolina The chief administrative and executive officer of the University is the President. The President is elected by and reports to the Board of Governors. The President’s office is the operations level between the constituent institutions and the Board of Governors. The President has complete authority to manage the affairs and execute the policies of the University of North Carolina and its constituent institutions, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Governors. The President is the official administrative spokesperson for and the interpreter of the University to the alumni and alumnae as a whole, the news media, the educational world, and the general public. Information on the authority granted the President can be found in Section 501 of The Code. Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina The Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina is composed of representatives from each of the constituent institutions. The Faculty Assembly gathers and exchanges information on behalf of the faculties represented, and advises and communicates with the Board of Governors, the General Assembly, the President of the University and other governmental agencies concerning the interests of the faculties. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has five representatives on the Faculty Assembly.

President and General Administration of the University of North Carolina

The chief administrative and executive officer of the University is the President.  The President is elected by and reports to the Board of Governors.  The President’s office is the operations level between the constituent institutions and the Board of Governors.  The President has complete authority to manage the affairs and execute the policies of the University of North Carolina and its constituent institutions, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Governors.  The President is the official administrative spokesperson for and the interpreter of the University to the alumni and alumnae as a whole, the news media, the educational world, and the general public.  Information on the authority granted the President can be found in Section 501 of The Code in the UNC Policy Manual.

Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina

The Faculty Assembly of the University of North Carolina is composed of representatives from each of the constituent institutions. The Faculty Assembly gathers and exchanges information on behalf of the faculties represented, and advises and communicates with the Board of Governors, the General Assembly, the President of the University, and other governmental agencies concerning the interests of the faculties. The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has five representatives on the Faculty Assembly.

History and Governance of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

History of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte

UNC Charlotte is one of a generation of universities founded in metropolitan areas of the United States immediately after World War II in response to rising education demands stimulated by the war and its technology. To serve returning veterans, North Carolina opened 14 evening college centers in communities across the state. The Charlotte Center opened on September 23, 1946, offering evening classes to 278 freshmen and sophomore students in the facilities of Charlotte’s Central High School. After three years the state closed the centers, declaring that on-campus facilities were sufficient to meet the needs of returning veterans and recent high school graduates.

Charlotte’s education and community leaders, long aware of the area’s unmet needs for higher education, moved to have the Charlotte Center taken over by the city school district and operated as Charlotte College, offering the first two years of college courses. Later, the same leaders asked Charlotte voters to approve a two-cent tax to support the College.

Charlotte College drew students from the city, Mecklenburg County, and from a dozen surrounding counties. The two-cent tax was later extended to all of Mecklenburg County. Ultimately financial support for the college became a responsibility of the State of North Carolina. As soon as Charlotte College was firmly established, efforts were launched to give it a campus of its own.

With the backing of Charlotte business leaders and legislators from Mecklenburg and surrounding counties, land was acquired on the northern fringe of the city and bonds were passed to finance new facilities. In 1961 Charlotte College moved into two new buildings on what was to become a 1,000-acre campus 10 miles from uptown Charlotte.

Three years later, the North Carolina legislature approved bills making Charlotte College a four-year, state-supported college. A year later, the legislature approved bills making Charlotte College a branch of the University of North Carolina.

In the years since, UNC Charlotte has grown at a rate of about 4 percent per year. With an enrollment of over 25,000 students, it is the fourth largest of the 17 institutions that make up the University of North Carolina system.

UNC Charlotte is a comprehensive university offering almost 90 baccalaureate programs, over 60 programs leading to a master’s degree, and 19 programs leading to doctoral degrees. Please see the UNC Charlotte Catalogs for a complete, updated listing of degree programs.

In 1995-96, during the celebration of its 50th anniversary as an institution, UNC Charlotte awarded its 50,000th degree. In 2012, it awarded its 100,000th degree. It now boasts more than 95,000 living alumni and adds 4,500 to 5,000 new alumni each year. Students attend UNC Charlotte from nearly every county in North Carolina, nearly every state in the U.S., and over 100 foreign countries. Additional information regarding student demographics including enrollment data, racial and ethnic composition, scholastic information, and the origins of new first-year and transfer students is available from the Office of Institutional Research and their Fact Books.

Board of Trustees at UNC Charlotte

The Board of Trustees is responsible for ensuring the institution’s compliance with the educational, research and public service roles assigned to it by the Board of Governors. Other responsibilities include advising the Chancellor on the budget, planning, policies governing the operation and development of the University and other matters it deems appropriate. A comprehensive description of the duty and authority of the Board of Trustees can be found in Chapter IV of The Code.

The administrative and executive head of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is the Chancellor, who exercises complete executive authority, subject to the direction of the President, and is responsible for carrying out policies of the Board of Governors and of the Board of Trustees.

The Chancellor is the leader of and the official spokesperson for the institution; promotes the educational excellence and general development and welfare of the institution; and defines the scope of authority of faculties, councils, committees and officers of the institution. All projects, programs and institutional reports undertaken on behalf of the institution are subject to the Chancellor’s authorization and approval.

The Chancellor is the official medium of communication between the President and all deans, heads or chairs of departments, directors and all other administrative officers, faculty members, students and employees. The duties and responsibilities of the Chancellor can be found in Section 502 of The Code.

Institutional Planning

The purpose of institutional planning at UNC Charlotte is to (1) meet the needs for internal planning and decisions at department, college, academic affairs, and University levels; (2) support long-range plans and biennial budget requests submitted to the UNC President’s office; and, (3) evaluate, assess, and enhance institutional achievements. The two-year and five-year cycles in the process correspond to the budget system of the North Carolina General Assembly and the procedures of the UNC Board of Governors, which provides for a five-year plan to be updated every two years. The Institutional Plan for UNC Charlotte includes:

Institutional Vision Statement provides the common framework for what is to be accomplished and who is to be served at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Institutional Mission Statement is the general statement of educational mission established for the institution by the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina. UNC Charlotte’s Mission Statement is available online.

General Academic Plan summarizes the academic priorities, goals, and objectives for the campus, the action steps and resources to address them, and the measures to ascertain their achievement and effectiveness. This plan includes campus support unit plans and may include subsidiary plans to address specific campus issues such as enrollment plan, staffing plan, facilities plan, outreach plan, and diversity plan.

Institutional Effectiveness Report is the basis for the annual report to the Board of Governors and the General Assembly on the institution’s effectiveness in the areas of student learning and development, faculty development and quality, and progress toward the institutional mission. It draws upon the results of annual assessments of the achievement of institutional goals and objectives, comprehensive self-studies and program evaluations, as well as periodic evaluations of functions and services and occasional specialized studies. For more information contact the Institutional Effectiveness Oversight Committee.

College Plans. Each college develops a plan, informed by the plans of its departments, which articulates the college mission, purpose, priorities, goals, and objectives; describes the action steps and resources needed to address them; and specifies the measures to ascertain their achievement and effectiveness. These plans may include subsidiary plans to address campus and/or college issues.

Department Plans. Each department develops a plan that articulates its mission, purpose, priorities, goals, and objectives; describes the action steps and resources needed to address them; and specifies the measures to ascertain their achievement and effectiveness.

Administrative Organization of UNC Charlotte

Academic Affairs

The Division of Academic Affairs includes Assessment and Accreditation; Enrollment Management; Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office; Institutional Research; International Programs; Library; OneIT; Research and Economic Development; Urban Research and Community Engagement; The Graduate School; Office of Undergraduate Education; and seven discipline-based colleges:  the Colleges of Arts + Architecture, Business, Computing and Informatics, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Services, and Liberal Arts & Sciences.  These colleges and support units in Academic Affairs report to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Campus Judicial System

The UNC Charlotte student judicial system is responsible for dealing with cases of alleged violations of University Policy 406, the UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility, and for the interpretation of the Student Body Constitution.  The UNC Charlotte Code of Student Responsibility is a comprehensive document that details the student disciplinary process including policies, procedures, and due process rights and responsibilities.


Commencement is held twice per year, at the close of both the Fall and Spring semesters.  All faculty members are encouraged to participate, but it is not required of part-time faculty to do so.


University Convocation

University Convocation marks the start of the academic year at which the Chancellor outlines long-term goals and immediate plans and issues, and the Provost and Presidents of the Faculty, Staff Council, and Student Body present their agendas for the year.  Additionally, the University Convocation is a chance to recognize new members of the faculty, as well as honoring those entering their 25th year at UNC Charlotte, new and newly tenured faculty members, and those who have been promoted to full professors.  The newest Bonnie E. Cone Early-Career Professor in Teaching is introduced.  All faculty members, staff, and students are invited to attend. 

New Student Convocation (Day of Convocation)

Just as a Commencement ceremony marks the completion of a course of study, Convocation celebrates a student’s entry into the community of higher education.  The New Student Convocation (Day of Convocation) is a day dedicated to welcome and introduce new undergraduate students (freshmen and transfers) to the UNC Charlotte community.  All faculty are encouraged to attend and participate in New Student Convocation in regalia.  The day starts with students assembling in their colleges for the Dean’s Welcome.  Students then walk as a group to the Dale Halton Arena to participate in the New Student Convocation ceremony.  The ceremony is followed by departmental and collegiate activities. 

Deans of Colleges

The responsibilities of the dean of a college at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte fall into three basic areas:

College Planning

The dean is the chief planning officer of the college and works closely with the chairpersons and department faculties to develop plans for the intermediate and long term development and improvement of the college.

College Operations

The dean as the chief operating officer of the college has overall responsibility for:

  • Faculty and personnel procedures
  • Instructional, research and service programs
  • Students
  • Revenue allocation
  • Management

College and University Leadership

The dean provides academic and educational leadership through the personal example of his or her own faculty accomplishments and through systematic communication to the basic constituencies of the college including:

  • Faculty of the college
  • Students of the college and the University
  • Campus colleagues
  • Alumni and other former students of the college
  • Local community
  • Academic discipline or profession

All deans have the responsibilities in each of these areas although the relative importance of the areas will differ from one college to another, depending on the mission of the college, its history, and its stage of development.

Department Chairpersons/School Directors

The department chair/school director is expected to provide academic leadership for the department/school and to ensure effective administration of the affairs of the department/school. Major responsibilities of the chair/director include:

Development of Faculty

  • Recruiting, hiring, orienting, and evaluating members of the faculty
  • Encouraging and facilitating professional development
  • Creating a forum in which faculty members can express ideas freely, thus promoting healthy discussions among members of the department/school

Representation of the Department/School

  • Providing a communication link between and among the faculty and other areas of the University and levels of administration
  • Representing the department/school within University administrative and governance structures and with external professional and community groups
  • Maintaining personal, professional competence in order to set a good example in teaching and research and to maintain a position of stature on and off campus

Development of Instructional Programs

  • Coordinating planning and implementation of effective academic programming
  • Encouraging and supporting efforts for improvements of instruction
  • Coordinating academic offerings to provide programming that is pedagogically sound and uses available resources effectively

Development of Students

  • Coordinating a program of effective academic advising
  • Responding to grievances and academic petitions
  • Certifying that students meet departmental/school graduation requirements

Administration of the Department/School

  • Coordinating departmental/school planning activities
  • Preparing and managing departmental/school budgets
  • Supervising activities of support staff
  • Conducting departmental/school meetings
Faculty Governance

Faculty Council

The chief faculty governance body is the Faculty Council.  The Faculty Council is empowered to conduct the affairs of the UNC Charlotte faculty as described in Article III of the Constitution of the Faculty and the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council.

Faculty Executive Committee

The Faculty Executive Committee is responsible for establishing the agenda for Faculty Council and for ensuring that the business of the faculty is handled with dispatch.  The Constitution of the Faculty of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte states the policy-making responsibilities and authority, as well as specific consultation responsibilities of the faculty.

Graduate Council

The Graduate Council, whose voting members are elected by the graduate faculty, reviews, develops and makes recommendations concerning graduate school policy.  All curricular proposals and all criteria for membership in the graduate faculty come before the Graduate Council, which also creates appropriate committees and hears grievances.  In addition, the Graduate Council serves in an advisory capacity to the dean of the graduate school.  

Further information on current faculty governance activities is maintained by the Faculty Council.

Graduate School

The Graduate School was founded in 1985, and its main purpose is to provide leadership, administration, and representation for the University’s graduate programs.  The Dean of the Graduate School is responsible for the executive and administrative affairs of the Graduate School.

Other Organizations

American Association of University Professors (AAUP)

UNC Charlotte has a chapter of the AAUP.  Membership is voluntary and open to dues-paying faculty members.

State Employees Association of North Carolina, Inc. (SEANC)

SEANC is a voluntary organization of state employees, including faculty members, that works to improve benefits for all state employees. The organization communicates with legislators and other governmental officials on behalf of state employees.

Student Governance

Undergraduate Student Governance

The Student Government Association (SGA) provides students with an early experience in governmental affairs.  Students often find their work in student government a useful background for later public service.  The University encourages student participation in its affairs and has student representatives on many faculty and administrative committees.  The leaders of student government are committed to representing the student body and to developing students’ awareness of the many facets of campus life.  All regularly enrolled students, both full and part-time, are eligible to participate in student government.

Graduate Student Governance

The Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG) is the governing and primary organization for graduate students to present their needs to the University.  The purpose of the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GPSG), according to the by-laws, is to serve as an appropriate voice on campus for graduate students, to meet the various needs of graduate students, and to establish a liaison between graduate faculty, graduate students, and the University. All graduate students are members of the GPSG.

employment at unc Charlotte

Getting Started

Adminstrative Assistance

Administrative assistance for faculty members is limited, and demands for administrative time come from all members of the department. Requests for administrative support must be realistic and reasonable. The use of administrative time for private business or social correspondence is prohibited. Professional correspondence, the production of professional papers, and the use of administrative support for affairs of professional societies are acceptable provided University business is given priority. For more information, refer to University Policy 601.3, Administrative Support for Professional Obligations.

What is a Part-Time Faculty Member?

Part-time faculty appointments comprise a category of Special Faculty Appointments that are made in accordance with Section 3.4 of University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures.

These appointments are not full-time faculty positions and do not qualify for state benefits. A part-time faculty member is usually hired to teach specific courses or labs for a semester. These part-time faculty members usually teach less than a full load of courses and are paid by the course. The amount paid per course varies with the discipline. Specific personnel procedures for hiring part-time faculty are found in the Academic Personnel Procedures Handbook in Section VIII.D.


It is the responsibility of the department chair to identify appropriate candidates for part-time faculty positions, ensure that their credentials are appropriate, arrange for the interview, and make recommendation for appointment to the Dean. All part-time faculty must meet requirements for professional, experiential and scholarly preparation comparable to those of their full-time counterparts who teach in the same discipline. All employees are subject to a criminal background check prior to hire. It is the responsibility of the department chair to document the qualifications of any faculty member who does not present the appropriate terminal degree in the discipline. The Division of Academic Affairs provides a form (AA-21) for this purpose.


Located in the Student Union, Barnes & Noble at UNC Charlotte operates the bookstore for UNC Charlotte, a partnership built on a commitment to textbook value that offers the best local selection of textbooks and supplies, plus:

  • Official 49er Spirit Store with the largest selection of 49er apparel, gear, and logoed merchandise available anywhere!
  • Trade book section of general interest titles
  • Gifts, cards and convenience items
  • Software and computer accessories
Compensation: Full-Time Faculty

Additional Compensation for Professional Services to the University

There are limits to the amount of compensation the University can pay to a faculty member during the period of appointment each year. In general, the salary approved by the Chancellor, Board of Trustees, or Board of Governors for the year is the full compensation to be expected and no additional payments may be made for University duties related to the position to which the individual is appointed. Engaging in other tasks during the appointment year requires a reduction in other planned activities. For example, arrangements are to be made for release time if faculty members are to conduct contract or grant activity during the regular term. Exceptions may be made for teaching one extension course per semester and for teaching non-credit short courses or workshops through the Office of Extended Academic Programs. In addition, faculty members may receive additional compensation for taking on additional responsibilities such as rotating or interim administrative assignments.

During the summer, nine-month faculty appointees can earn up to three-ninths of their nine-month salary for continuing education and extension activities, teaching summer school, and for research and curriculum development activities. Such work is paid at the nine-month salary rate or less.  For more information, refer to University Policy 101.15, Additional Compensation for Professional Services to the University.

Determination of Faculty Salaries

Salary funds are allocated by the Office of Academic Affairs to each college.  The dean of the colleges allocates the money to the various departments. The allocation of merit increases is based primarily on the recommendations of department chairpersons developed within the guidelines provided by the Dean’s Office and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Salary performance reviews are conducted for all faculty members for use in determination of salary adjustments and consistent with the tenure policies. For more information, refer to University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures of UNC Charlotte.

Salary Advances

The University does not make advances against anticipated salary. For more information, refer to University Policy 101.2, Salary Advances.

Salary Payments

Faculty are paid the 15th and the last working day of each month by direct deposit.  Faculty must contact the Business Office to set up direct deposit of paychecks.

Credentials Verification

Education and certification credentials are verified shortly after employment begins. Faculty members are therefore required to submit to their respective departments the following credentials:

  1. Current Curriculum Vitae or Biographical Sketch
  2. Official transcripts from the last institution where the highest degree was earned.

North Carolina law and the University of North Carolina Board of Governors rules require applicants for employment be honest in representing their credentials and other qualifications when they apply for University employment.  For more information, refer to University Policy 101.12, Fraudulent Disclosure or Willful Nondisclosure in Applying for Employment.

Verification of Employment Eligibility

Federal law requires employers to verify the eligibility of each employee to work in the United States, to attest they have seen documentary proof of eligibility, and to maintain records of such attestation. The University is responsible to complete Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) Form-I9 verifying employment eligibility of employees hired after November 6, 1986.  Newly hired faculty are required to visit the Human Resources Department and complete the verification form on or before the first day of employment at the University.

Department Faculty Meetings: Full-Time Faculty

Every department chair schedules regular faculty meetings for department members. All full-time faculty members are encouraged to attend these meetings; they are often the best way to learn about University and department business, issues and upcoming events that affect faculty and students.

Diability-Related Resources

Faculty members with disabilities who are in need of disability accommodations should notify their employing department.   Once an existing employee identifies himself/herself as disabled, Human Resources will work with the employing department/office to provide consultation and assistance on accommodations specific to the employee’s disability.  The Office of Disability Services also works closely with the Department of Human Resources to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided.  For more information, visit the University’s Accessibility website.  See also University Policy 501.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Regulation.

Email Accounts

All full- and part-time faculty are issued a campus e-mail account.  Email is the official form of communication at the University, and faculty are expected to check their email account regularly.  Faculty are expected to comply with University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems, and the Standard for Responsible Use, related to their use of University email accounts.  For questions about email, please contact the Office of OneIT.   

Fringe Benefits and Services: Full-Time Faculty

The fringe benefits and services described in this section are available to eligible employees of the State of North Carolina.  While every effort has been made to provide information that is accurate and up-to-date concerning these benefits and services, it should be noted that any item is subject to change by appropriate authority. The University is not responsible for errors that appear in these summary statements, and underlying law, regulations, or contracts shall be controlling.  For more complete information about benefits and services, visit the Human Resources website.  Benefits orientation programs are conducted throughout the year for new UNC Charlotte employees.

Disability Income Plan

Benefits from long-term disability are coordinated with other employer-supported plans.  There is no cost to the employee.  For more information, please contact the Benefits Office.

Employee Assistance Program

The University recognizes that employees experiencing personal problems, including emotional problems, alcohol and drug abuse, and marital problems, should be encouraged to seek professional assistance. To meet this need, the University Counseling Center has counselors available to assist employees.  Through the Counseling Center, assessment, short-term counseling, and referral services are provided to faculty and staff free of charge. Services are provided on a confidential basis.  Assistance may be obtained by contacting the Center for Counseling and Psychological Services or the Employee Relations Manager in the Human Resources Department.  See also University Policy 101.9, Employee Assistance Program.

Health Insurance Plans

Full-time faculty are eligible to participate in any of the health insurance plans offered by the University.  For detailed information about the health insurance plans available to UNC Charlotte faculty, contact Human Resources

Flexible Spending Account

A Flexible Spending Account is a tax-free account established each year to pay for medical and dental services or supplies (a Health Care FSA), or day care of a dependent child or elderly parent (a Dependent Day Care FSA). Setting aside money in one, or both, of these accounts can save money that would ordinarily go to pay federal, state and social security taxes.

Optional Insurance Plans

Several insurance plans are available at low group rates.  To learn more about these insurance plans, contact Human Resources.

Phased Retirement Program

As part of career and financial planning, full-time members of the faculty at UNC Charlotte may wish to explore the possibility of the Phased Retirement Program.

Retirement Programs

Full-time faculty are required to participate in a retirement plan. The retirement options are dependent upon the employment rank or status. Under any of the plans, the employee contributes 6% of salary that is not subject to state or federal income tax. More detailed information is presented at the new employee orientation. Information about retirement programs can also be obtained by contacting the Benefits Office.

Social Security

Social Security contributions are withheld from all remunerations paid to faculty, beginning January 1 of each year, until the maximum subject to coverage has been earned. No credit for amounts earned in the employ of another state agency or other employer is permitted.

Social Security Number

Disclosure of social security number is required of all employees for purposes of crediting social security accounts with FICA payments and for federal tax purposes. Disclosure is voluntary for other purposes and is requested by UNC Charlotte to perform efficiently its obligations as an institution of higher education. Social security numbers disclosed may be used only for the following purposes:

  1. financial management
  2. maintenance of employee and student records
  3. credit management, including debt collection
  4. preparation of identification cards
  5. medical records management
  6. traffic and parking enforcement
  7. administration of fringe benefit programs

Tax Sheltered Annuity Plans

Permanent employees of the University may participate in tax-sheltered programs through payroll deduction. These programs allow employees to exclude a portion of their salary from taxable income for the purchase of an annuity contract. Payment of taxes on this money and on the interest it earns is deferred until the money is withdrawn, presumably at retirement when most people will be in a lower tax bracket.  Further details on any of these tax-deferred programs is available from the Benefits Office.

Identification Cards

Identification cards (49er I.D. Cards) are required for members of the campus community to check out books from the library, secure use of gymnasium facilities, obtain a parking permit, cash checks and provide identification. The form from which the identification card is made is obtained from the Human Resources Department, and the card itself (including a photograph) is prepared in the I.D. Card Office located in the Student Union. Cards are issued for a stated period of time or on an indefinite basis depending upon the period of employment. Spouses and children of faculty members may obtain I.D. cards enabling them to use the library at no charge.

Instructional Supplies

Supplies are distributed through departmental offices. Procedures for purchasing supplies and equipment can be found in University Policy 601.11, Purchasing Policy.

Office Keys

Office keys are provided through departmental offices. Faculty members are encouraged to keep their office accommodations locked when not in use to discourage theft and unwanted entry.

Office Space

All full-time faculty members are assigned office space by their department chairperson or dean. At times, office space becomes limited, and office assignments are subject to change.

Ordering Textbooks/Desk Copies of Texts and Selecting Textbooks and Instructional Materials

It is University policy that the instructor of any course has the responsibility to select the textbook and/or educational materials specified for formal use in teaching the course, using his or her professional judgment and avoiding conflicts of interest. These textbooks and/or instructional materials may be made available to students in print or electronic formats and may include but are not limited to:

  • textbooks;
  • substantive materials dealing with course content, including documents authored by the faculty member or by other faculty members in the department such as parts of texts, laboratory manuals, descriptions of experimental protocols, hypothetical cases for discussion, and similar items;
  • substantive collected materials authored by the faculty member or by others inside or outside the University and reproduced from professional journals, periodicals, and books (i.e. course packs); and
  • high quality Open Education Resources (OER) as well as other Open Access materials.

University Policy 204, Textbooks and Instructional Materials, specifies the primary criteria for selection of instructional materials, and outlines actions required of the faculty regarding orders, book selections, conflicts of interest, and sale of materials.  For more information, refer to University Policy 204, Textbooks and Instructional Materials

Interim desk copies of textbooks are available from the Campus Bookstore until the publisher’s complimentary copy arrives. Since publishers often mark desk copies in a manner that renders them non-returnable, books that are obtained from the Campus Bookstore must be kept clean so that these may be returned to the publishers.  If the desk copy is not returned to the Bookstore or replaced within 60 days from the date of issue, the department of the faculty member is required to pay for the desk copy.  Unsold copies of textbooks cause a financial drain on the Campus Bookstore in several ways, and faculty members are asked to use good judgment in placing orders.

Orientation: Full-Time Faculty

Each Fall, the ADVANCE Faculty Affairs and Diversity Office hosts an orientation welcome session for all new faculty members.  This session is designed to introduce new faculty members to the University, to one another, to cover important instructional issues, and to highlight programs and services that may contribute to the success of a new faculty member at UNC Charlotte.  In addition, the Center for Teaching and Learning offers several workshops throughout the year for all instructors.


All vehicles must be registered with Parking and Transportation Services or utilize a visitor’s parking deck or the parking meters.  A parking permit may be purchased from Parking and Transportation Services for an annual fee.  Faculty members may also purchase Premium Lot Access that admits them to gated lots.

Employee Regulations and Procedures

Alcohol, Illegal Drugs, and Firearms

State law regulates the possession and use of alcoholic beverages on campus. In addition, the possession and use of alcoholic beverages on campus is governed by University Policy 706, Alcoholic Beverages. That policy sets forth requirements about the types of alcohol permitted, the locations where alcoholic beverages are permitted on campus, the service of alcoholic beverages, and the permits and forms required.

The University considers the use of illegal drugs or alcohol abuse by students, faculty and staff or by others on premises under University control to be unacceptable conduct that adversely affects the educational environment. To remind students, faculty and staff of their responsibilities for maintaining a drug free environment, University Policy 711, Program to Prevent Use of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Abuse, is distributed throughout the University community each year. Further, the University considers a sound awareness, education, and training program indispensable in combating illegal use of drugs and alcohol abuse, both as a preventive measure and as a remedy.

The University will cooperate fully with law enforcement agencies and will apply appropriate disciplinary procedures should a student, faculty member, or staff member violate criminal statutes with regard to illegal drugs. Violations may subject a student, faculty member or staff member to prosecution and punishment by civil authorities and to disciplinary action by the University. It does not constitute “double jeopardy” for the University to initiate its own disciplinary proceedings for the same offense when the alleged conduct is deemed to affect the interests of the University.

It is a violation of State criminal law (NCGS 14-269.2) and University policy to possess or carry any Weapon on the University Campus, except under certain specified and limited circumstances. For additional information, refer to University Policy 702, Weapons on Campus.

Animals on Campus

The University recognizes that owners of Domestic Animals may desire to bring those animals to the campus; users of Service Animals or Service Animals in Training may find it necessary to bring those animals on campus; and Feral or Wild Animals may select the campus landscape as their habitat.  In consideration of the personal safety and well-being of the UNC Charlotte campus community, and in accordance with applicable state and federal laws, University Policy 704, Animals on Campus, establishes requirements for accessibility, behavior, and treatment of animals on campus.

Civil and Military Leave

Jury duty and court attendance are classified as civil leave. If a faculty member is called to serve on a jury or subpoenaed as a witness or required to attend court in connection with official duties, he/she can do so without loss of salary. Military leave is granted to members of the Reserves and National Guard for training, alerts, attendance at Service Schools and active duty status.  The department chairperson or dean should be notified at the earliest possible date of the need for civil or military leave so that arrangements for teaching responsibilities can be made.  The Human Resources Department should also be contacted prior to departure on military leave.


Mail and Package Services

Mail and Package Services is a fully operational Postal Contract Station located in the Prospector Building, capable of services equivalent to that of a U.S. Post Office.  Non-USPS packages (i.e., FedEx, UPS) are processed through Receiving and Stores.


Telecommunication services are provided by the Office of OneIT.  Voice mail is provided on each University telephone.  Long distance calls for University business use the state telephone network and are billed back to the appropriate department.  For more information, refer to University Policy 601.1, University Supplies, Equipment, and Materials.

Facsimile Communications

Use of fax machines is limited to University business.

University Publications

Inside UNC Charlotte is a website containing information for faculty and staff that is regularly updated.  The site publishes announcements of faculty publications and other professional accomplishments, free want ads, news events on campus, and items of personal interest.

UNC Charlotte Magazine is published quarterly and is available electronically to all members of the University community.

The Division of Academic Affairs News Digest is distributed each Monday to Academic Affairs faculty and staff.  The digest includes a compilation of information from departments and units in the division.  

Niner Times is the source for campus news, sports, entertainment, opinion and more. The NT is entirely student run and is responsible for producing a weekly newspaper along with the website, NinerTimes.com.

Web and Electronic Communications

University Policy 302, Web Communications, sets standards for responsible use of the University website, web page format, accessibility, links to non-University websites, use of the University name and registered marks on the University website, hosting of websites for external entities, University data, and individual web pages on the University website.

The Standard for Responsible Use recognizes that protecting and preserving University computing and electronic communication resources is a cooperative effort that requires each member of the University community to act responsibly and guard against abuses. This policy sets forth standards of responsible use, which demonstrate respect for unobstructed access, intellectual property rights, truth in communication, ownership of data, system security and integrity, and individuals’ rights. 

Confidentiality of Faculty Personnel Records

State statutes establish legal requirements concerning the use of faculty personnel records. The faculty member has a right to review the contents of his or her personnel files including evaluation files except for pre-employment confidential letters of recommendation and certain medical records. Except in special circumstances provided by law, the University is required to keep confidential all information concerning a faculty member except the following, which is subject to public access:

  • Name;
  • Age;
  • Date of original State employment or appointment to State service;
  • The terms of any contract by which the employee is employed whether written or oral, past and current, to the extent that the agency has the written contract or a record of the oral contract in its possession;
  • Current position;
  • Title;
  • Current salary;
  • Date and amount of each increase or decrease in salary with that department, agency, institution, commission, or bureau;
  • Date and type of each promotion, demotion, transfer, suspension, separation, or other change in position classification within that department, agency, institution, commission, or bureau;
  • Date and general description of the reasons for each promotion with that department, agency, institution, commission, or bureau;
  • Date and type of each dismissal, suspension, or demotion for disciplinary reasons taken by the department, agency, institution, commission, or bureau. If the disciplinary action was a dismissal, a copy of the written notice of the final decision of the head of the department setting forth the specific acts or omissions that are the basis of the dismissal; and
  • The office or department to which the employee is currently assigned.

Faculty members who wish to inspect their own personnel file, except for confidential letters of recommendation solicited prior to employment, and certain medical records, should contact the Associate Provost for Academic Budget and Personnel.  The Chancellor, the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the college dean, the department chairperson, or their agents for the purpose of conducting official business may inspect a faculty member’s personnel file.  The departmental and college review committees may review portions of the file related to evaluation.  Confidential personnel records can be subpoenaed in a court of law. For more information, refer to University Policy 101.8, Personnel Records.

Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

Faculty are encouraged to engage in appropriate outside research or non-research activities if these activities are consonant with the objectives of the University.  Likewise, employees should avoid conflicts of interest that affect the interests of the University, or compromise objectivity in carrying out University responsibilities.  Faculty and staff must complete the Annual Conflict Evaluation forms and submit the forms to their department chairs/unit supervisors no later than October 1 of each year.  Updated forms must be submitted throughout the year if changes arise.  For more information, refer to University Policy 101.24, Conflicts of Interest and Commitment.

Duty to Report

The University is obligated to investigate actions undertaken by employees in the performance of their official duties that may be unlawful, improper, or dangerous to the well-being of students, faculty and staff, and to protect those who disclose such actions. University Policy 803, Reporting and Investigation of Suspected Improper Activities and Whistleblower Protection, establishes a mechanism for (A) reporting suspected Improper Activities, (B) initiating investigations of suspected Improper Activities, and (C) protecting members of the University community who report suspected Improper Activities from retaliation.

Members of the University community who have reason to suspect the occurrence of Improper Activities should report those Improper Activities to the appropriate authority following the procedures described in Section V of University Policy 803, Reporting and Investigation of Suspected Improper Activities and Whistleblower Protection.  Retaliation against anyone reporting Improper Activities in good faith is prohibited.

“Improper Activities” is defined as actions or failures to act by University employees in the course of their duties that result in:

  1. A violation of State or Federal law, rule, or regulation;
  2. A serious or substantial violation of University policy or procedure;
  3. Fraud;
  4. Misappropriation of State resources, including embezzlement;
  5. Substantial and specific danger to the public health and safety; or
  6. Gross mismanagement, a gross waste of monies, or gross abuse of authority.

Whistleblowers have protection from retaliation under NCGS § 126-85 and University Policy 803, Reporting and Investigation of Suspected Improper Activities and Whistleblower Protection

Emeritus Status

Any faculty member meeting the following criteria will be considered for emeritus status:

  1. The faculty member holds an appointment in the professorial ranks with permanent tenure at The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; and
  2. The faculty member has effectively retired from the University (those who resign from the University to enter phased retirement, and who otherwise meet the eligibility standards set forth in University Policy 102.5 when they entered phased retirement, will be eligible for emeritus consideration at the end of the phased retirement term). 

Appointment to emeritus status is based upon recommendations of the department chair, with concurrence of the appropriate college dean, to the Provost.  Award of emeritus status may be conferred by the Chancellor upon the recommendation of the Provost.  The decision of the Chancellor is final.  

Emeritus faculty members are granted the following:  a University identification card; the use of University recreational facilities under the same conditions applicable to the faculty; the use of Library facilities and Library electronic resources under the same conditions applicable to the faculty; a University email account; inclusion in the University Catalog, the Campus Directory, and all other formal listings of the faculty; invitations to University Commencement and other similar events; the opportunity to purchase tickets for University athletic and cultural events at faculty rates; receipt of University and Alumni Publication; and campus parking at no charge.

Emeriti faculty members are not eligible to: hold University office; sit on tenure, hearing, or grievance committees; or to vote in faculty elections.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.5, Emeritus Faculty.

Employment of Relatives

Related persons may be concurrently employed by the University, even as members of the same department, except in the case where one related person has responsibility for the direct supervision of the other. In no case can one related person participate in the evaluation of the other. For more information, refer to University Policy 101.4, Concurrent Employment of Related Persons and UNC Board of Governors Policy 300.4.2 in the UNC Policy Manual.

In addition, the University is prohibited from soliciting or culminating a contractual procurement relationship with the immediate family member of any employee of the University, although the family member could serve as a subcontractor or supplier to the successful bidder. For more information, refer to University Policy 603.2, Contracting with Relatives of Employees in the UNC Policy Manual.

Employment Status

Although recruitment of faculty members takes place within individual departments and colleges, faculty members work with the Human Resources Department regarding matters pertaining to their status as state employees.

EHRA and SHRA Employees

Full-Time employees of the University are either exempt from the State Human Resources Act or subject to it.  Exempt employees are sometimes referred to as EHRA, and those subject to the Act as SHRA.  All full-time faculty members are EHRA employees.  Promotion and salary decisions for faculty members are made differently from similar decisions for employees who are subject to the State Human Resources Act.  Promotion and tenure decisions for faculty members are made according to the provisions of University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

Twelve-Month and Nine-Month Appointments

Most full-time faculty members hold nine-month appointments that coincide with the period of the academic year. Nine-month faculty members may teach in UNC Charlotte summer sessions and earn extra income; however, summer teaching appointments are not automatic. Assignments to summer school teaching positions are made by individual department chairpersons and based on enrollment, courses that need to be offered, and available resources.

Some full-time faculty members, including department chairpersons, deans and some lecturers, have twelve-month appointments. These twelve-month faculty members earn vacation leave (24 days per year) and sick leave (12 days per year).  They are expected to work all days, except official holidays when the University is closed.  All twelve-month faculty are required to fill out leave slips whenever they are absent from work.

For a faculty member on 9-month appointment, the date for removal from the payroll at the end of the academic year is June 30.  Regular payroll checks received in July and August are advance payment for work to be done during the fall semester. The faculty member who leaves employment before completing that fall semester must reimburse the University for the full amount of any overpayment.

Environmental Health and Safety

UNC Charlotte strives to ensure that its faculty and staff work in a safe and healthy environment.  The University voluntarily engages in a compliance program with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of North Carolina.  This program is designed to provide a safe and healthy working, teaching and learning environment, as well as an atmosphere of safety and health awareness.  For details, see University Policy 703, Environmental Health and Safety.  This policy delegates responsibilities for compliance, implementation, and planning and financing. 

The UNC Charlotte Office of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) offers the following services:

  • Environment:  Indoor Air Quality Assessments, Hazardous Waste Disposal and Radiation Surveys
  • Health:  Office Work Station Ergonomics, Respiratory Health Surveilance and Hearing Conservation Audiograms
  • Safety:  Building Inspections, Laboratory Inspections, Event Permitting and Building Evacuation Drills
  • Workers’ Compensation:  Claims Consultation, Processing and Injured Employee Return-to-Work

EHS orientation and training sessions are available by registering online at http://safety.uncc.edu/training/ehs-orientation

Evaluation: Full-Time Faculty

Faculty Evaluation Criteria and Procedures

University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, as required by The Code of the Board of Governors of the University of North Carolina, specifies that to attain the award of Permanent Tenure, an individual must demonstrate teaching, research, and service accomplishments meeting criteria established by the University. Tenure track faculty are evaluated annually in terms of their accomplishments in the areas of teaching, research, and service. Each department and college within the University must have written guidelines and criteria for faculty evaluation.

Procedures for reappointment, promotion, and the conferral of permanent tenure are specified in Section 6 of University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures.  Each college must follow procedures consistent with those prescribed in University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures.

Permanently Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty Criteria and Procedures

The job performance of every permanently tenured and tenure-track faculty member will be evaluated each year. This evaluation will be undertaken by each department chairperson under departmental procedures and criteria. This evaluation process is a minimum requirement; it shall not supplant more extensive departmental procedures.

The policy guiding tenured faculty performance review can be found in the Office of Legal Affairs, and the procedures that govern the policy are found in the Office of Academic Affairs

Academic Administrator Evaluation Procedures

The procedures approved by the faculty council for the annual evaluation of academic administrators can be found in Section VI, Subsection F, of the Academic Personnel Procedures Handbook.

External Professional Activities for Pay

Faculty and professional staff members should undertake external activities for pay only if they do not create a conflict of interest or commitment with the individual’s obligations to the University, do not involve inappropriate use of University resources or name, and do not claim University responsibility for the activities. A notice of intent to participate in such activities, including disclosure of financial interests, must be submitted to and approved by the individual’s department head prior to engaging in the activities. For more information, refer to University Policy 102.1, External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.

Grievance Procedures

Faculty Grievance Procedures

Section 607 of The Code of The University of North Carolina provides a process for faculty members to seek redress concerning employment related grievances other than those involving decisions about reappointment, promotion, the conferral of tenure, discharge, imposition of serious sanctions, termination, or those within the jurisdiction of another standing committee.  Section 607 grievance procedures applicable to faculty members are set forth in the “Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances Arising from Section 607(3) of The Code of The University of North Carolina” (hereinafter “Faculty Grievance Procedures”). General questions concerning these faculty procedures should be directed to the Office of Academic Affairs, which may refer such inquiries to the chairperson of the appropriate faculty committee. In order to prevail in the formal grievance process, a faculty member must establish that she or he experienced a remediable injury attributable to the alleged violation of a right or privilege based on federal or state law, university policies or regulations, or commonly shared understandings within the academic community about the rights, privileges, and responsibilities attending University employment.

Employment Related Grievances

Some departments or colleges provide informal procedures for resolving faculty grievances. The dean of the college should be consulted about these procedures. An aggrieved faculty member who is unable to resolve a grievance informally within the department or college should submit a written petition for redress to the University Mediation Coordinator as set forth in the Procedures for Resolving Faculty Grievances. 

It should be noted that disputes related to reappointment, promotion, the conferral of tenure, discharge, imposition of serious sanctions, or termination of a faculty member are not resolved under the Faculty Grievance Procedures but pursuant to Section 7 of University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures.

Sexual Harassment Grievances

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte affirms its commitment to ensuring an environment for all employees and students that is fair, humane, and respectful–an environment that supports and rewards employee and student performance on the basis of relevant considerations such as ability and effort. Behaviors that inappropriately assert sexuality as relevant to employee or student performance are damaging to this environment. Sexual harassment is a violation of both law and University policy and will not be tolerated in the University community. Sexual harassment is a particularly sensitive issue that may affect any member of the University community and as such will be dealt with promptly and confidentially by the University administration.

If you are aware of incidents of sexual harassment at UNC Charlotte or if you are a victim, you are urged to take action by contacting a University mediator or the affirmative action officer. Faculty members, staff, and students who have grievances related to sexual harassment by University employees or students should pursue such grievances under University Policy 502, Sexual Harassment Policy and Grievance Procedures. For cases in which a student is alleged to commit sexual harassment against another student, the procedures set forth in Chapter 8 of University Policy 406, The Code of Student Responsibility, apply. 

Student Academic Grievance/Academic Petitions

Students have the right to submit grievances against a faculty member as well as submit academic petitions related to academic matters (e.g., missed deadlines; final course grade appeals).  Grievances against a faculty member (other than allegations of sexual harassment) are to be addressed initially in the college where the grievance arises, or if no particular college is appropriate, by the Dean of Students Office.  Graduate students are to file their grievances through the graduate coordinator/director of his/her academic program.  The Dean of Students Office serves as a resource center for those seeking information regarding grievance and appeal procedures.  For more information, refer to University Policy 403, Student Appeals and Grievances.

Students appealing a final course grade are to follow University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades. Undergraduates submitting petitions related to academic matters such as missed deadlines or policy exceptions are to be addressed in the college with the faculty member, academic advisor, and when necessary with the associate dean of the college responsible for student academic matters.  Graduate students submitting petitions related to academic matters are to be addressed in the college with the faculty member, graduate coordinator/director of his/her academic programs and when necessary with the Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School.  For more information, see the Advising section of this Handbook.

Disability-Related Grievances

Faculty, staff, and students who have grievances related to discrimination on the basis of disability should process such grievances in accordance with University Policy 501.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Regulation.

Other Dispute Resolution Procedures

Faculty members should be aware that persons employed in non-faculty positions have similar dispute-resolution mechanisms available to them. Employees subject to the State Human Resources Act (SHRA) can utilize the UNC Charlotte Grievance and Appeal Procedure for SHRA Employees to process employment-related grievances.  Most EHRA staff employees not subject to the State Human Resources Act are covered by and may utilize the UNC Charlotte grievance procedures for EHRA staff employees, set forth in Section III.E of University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.

Leaves of Absence

UNC Charlotte has no regular program of sabbatical leaves for faculty members. However, educational leaves of absence may be granted on an individual basis. Educational leaves of absence are designed to permit faculty members to conduct activities or engage in endeavors which will enhance their professional growth and enrich their teaching, research, or service.  The process of obtaining such a leave begins when a faculty member submits a request to the department chairperson or dean at least one semester before the desired leave period. An educational leave of absence may be granted with or without pay.

Personal leaves of absence are granted to nine-month tenure-track faculty members and senior lecturers without pay to accommodate personal or family needs or to enable participation in activities that will benefit the faculty member of the UNC Charlotte community.  Parents of newborn or newly adopted children may request personal leave with or without pay, depending on the circumstances, for up to twelve weeks.  Faculty members on twelve-month contracts and who accrue sick leave are governed by policies set forth in Personnel Information Memorandum Number 9 (PIM-9).

The decision whether to grant a leave of absence depends upon the circumstances of each case.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.6, Family and Medical Leave for Nine-Month Faculty; University Policy 102.15, Personal (Non-FMLA) Leaves of Absence for Nine-Month Faculty; and University Policy 102.7, Personnel Policies for Designated Employment Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.

Non-Discrimination Policies

Discriminatory Personal Conduct

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte affirms that its educational and employment decisions must be based on the abilities and qualifications of individuals and may not be based on irrelevant factors, including personal characteristics, that have no connection with academic abilities or job performance.  Therefore, the University prohibits discrimination and harassment in its educational and employment decisions and provides equal opportunities for all members of the University community and for all those seeking to join the University community. 

The following factors may not form the basis for educational or employment-related decisions:

  • race;
  • color;
  • religion, including belief and non-belief;
  • sex, including but not limited to
    • pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, and
    • parenting;
  • sexual orientation;
  • actual or perceived gender identity, including but not limited to
    • gender expression,
    • transition status (including but not limited to physical transition),
    • transgender status, and
    • gender nonconformity;
  • age;
  • national origin;
  • physical or mental disability;
  • political affiliation;
  • veteran status; and
  • genetic information.

University Policy 501, Nondiscrimination and Procedures for Addressing Reports of Discrimination, sets forth University policy on nondiscrimination and identifies University Policies that provide procedures for the informal or formal resolution of instances where such behavior is suspected or alleged.  Those policies are set forth in University Policies Chapter 500.

Equal Employment Opportunity

University Policy 101.5, Equal Employment Opportunity, provides that UNC Charlotte recognizes a moral, economic, and legal responsibility to ensure equal employment opportunity for all persons, regardless of

  • race;
  • color;
  • religion, including belief and non-belief;
  • sex, including but not limited to
    • pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, and
    • parenting;
  • sexual orientation;
  • actual or perceived gender identity, including but not limited to
    • gender expression,
    • transition status (including but not limited to physical transition),
    • transgender status, and
    • gender nonconformity;
  • age;
  • national origin;
  • physical or mental disability;
  • political affiliation;
  • veteran status; or
  • genetic information.

Nondiscriminatory consideration shall be afforded applicants and employees in all employment actions including recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, placement, transfer, layoff, leave of absence, and termination. All personnel actions pertaining to either academic or nonacademic positions to include such matters as compensation, benefits, transfers, layoffs, return from layoffs, University-sponsored training, education, tuition assistance, and social and recreational programs shall be administered according to the same principles of equal opportunity. Promotion and advancement decisions shall be made in accordance with the principles of equal opportunity, and the University shall, as a general policy, attempt to fill existing position vacancies from qualified persons already employed by the University. Outside applicants may be considered concurrently at the discretion of the selecting official. The University has established reporting and monitoring systems to ensure adherence to this policy of nondiscrimination.

Affirmative Action

UNC Charlotte’s philosophy concerning equal employment opportunity is affirmed and promoted in the University’s Affirmative Action Plan.  To facilitate UNC Charlotte’s affirmative action efforts on behalf of disabled workers, individuals who qualify and wish to benefit from the Affirmative Action Plan are invited and encouraged to identify themselves. This information is provided voluntarily, and refusal of employees to identify themselves as veterans or disabled persons will not subject them to discharge or disciplinary action. Unless otherwise required by law, the information obtained will be kept confidential, except that supervisors and managers may be informed about restrictions on the work or duties of disabled persons and about necessary accommodations.

For more information about equal employment opportunity and affirmative action, refer to University Policy 101.5, Equal Employment Opportunity.

Notice of Non-Discrimination

UNC Charlotte seeks to promote a fair, humane and respectful environment for its faculty, staff, students, contractors, and visitors.  The University prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, political affiliation, veteran status, genetic information, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity in its programs and activities, and in its employment and educational decisions.  

For contact information, please see the Notice of Nondiscrimination.

Outside Employment

It is assumed that because faculty members possess professional competence and expertise in their fields, they will and should be called upon by businesses, government agencies, other educational institutions and industries for formal consultation.  However, faculty and professional staff members should undertake external activities for pay only if they do not create a conflict of interest or commitment with the individual’s obligations to the University, do not involve inappropriate use of University resources or name, and do not claim University responsibility for the activities. A notice of intent to participate in such activities, including disclosure of financial interests, must be submitted to and approved by the individual’s department head prior to engaging in the activities.  Policies and procedures for consultation for pay are discussed in the Academic Regulations and Procedures section of this Handbook.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.1, External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act, or the University of North Carolina Board of Governors’ Regulation 300.2.2.1[R] in the UNC Policy Manual.

Participation in Politics

Although faculty members as private citizens are free to engage in political activities, the Board of Governors of The University of North Carolina has enacted regulations (UNC Policy Manual, Chapter 300.5) to avoid inappropriate conflict between the obligations of University employment and certain activities for University employees related to governmental and political activities.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.3, Political Activities of Faculty and Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act.  

Any faculty member exempt from the State Human Resources Act contemplating serving in an elective or appointive public office, or becoming a candidate, should contact the Office of Legal Affairs well before filing as a candidate for or assuming such office.  The purpose of this contact is to review University policy in this area and to initiate the process for review of and action on the political activity by the Board of Trustees or Board of Governors if necessary. Where such approval is required, the faculty member or staff member must submit a completed “Petition Regarding Political Activity.”

Each member of the University community has the right to freely express his/her views on any subject, including advocacy for/against candidates for public office.  Faculty members working on political campaigns or issues amay not use University equipment or services (e.g., vehicles and other equipment, campus mail, computers and e-mail, postage, photocopying and fax, etc.) for political campaign activities.  Engagement in political campaign activities by University employees should be conducted independent of their University employment and at times when such activity does not interfere with employment obligations to the University.

For more information, see UNC System Reminders Regarding University Employment and Political Activities.

Private Use of University Name or Resource

The University name, mark, seal, letterhead, and all University supplies, equipment, and materials must be used only in the exercise of official responsibilities on behalf of the University.  Thus, for example, it is improper to use UNC Charlotte stationery for private purposes, or to use an automobile owned by the University for private business or pleasure.  For more information, refer to University Policy 601.1, University Supplies, Equipment, and Materials.

Chapter VI, Section 601 of The Code in the UNC Policy Manual provides that faculty members should not represent themselves as speaking for UNC Charlotte or the University system without authorization.

Professional and Scholarly Preparation

Faculty members must meet or exceed minimum accrediting standards criteria for the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

Publications and Printing Services

The Office of University Communications and its Marketing Services Department, specifically, are responsible for reviewing and approving major University communications, including publications, marketing materials, advertisements, and other products in any medium, including websites and other digital media published to electronic devices, that represent the University externally, and are distributed publicly.

For more information, refer to University Policy 605.5, Marketing Communications.

Relationships Between Students and Faculty Members

It is improper for a faculty member, instructional assistant, or other University employee to participate in the instruction, evaluation, or supervision of a student with whom there is an amorous relationship or familial relationship.  For more information, refer to University Policy 101.3, Relationships between Students and Faculty Members or Other University Employees.  Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary procedures.

Retirement Procedures and Regulations

For details and regulations regarding retirement, refer to University Policy 101.6, Retirement Procedures and Regulations.

Sickness and Temporary Absence

Full-time twelve-month faculty members earn 24 days of annual leave per year.  They earn sick leave in accordance with the provisions of the State Personnel Manual.  Part-time permanent twelve-month faculty members earn annual leave and sick leave on a pro rata basis.  Nine-month faculty members earn no sick leave and no annual leave.  If a faculty member is ill or otherwise unable to meet their classes, they should contact their chair or dean as far in advance as possible so that provisions can be made.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.4, Annual and Sick Leave for Faculty Members.


The University has a vital interest in maintaining a healthy and safe environment while respecting individual choice about smoking.  As such, smoking is prohibited within all University buildings and vehicles, and is prohibited within 100 feet of any University building.  Smoking is permitted in Designated Smoking Areas.  “Smoking” is defined as the use or possession of a lighted cigarette, lighted cigar, lighted pipe, or any other lighted tobacco product, or the use of an electronic inhaler that employs a mechanical heating element, battery, or electronic circuit to heat a liquid nicotine solution contained in a vapor cartridge, such as an electronic cigarette, electronic cigar, electronic cigarillo, or electronic pipe.

For more information, refer to University Policy 707, Smoking on University Property.

Space Reservations

Responsibility for scheduling all exterior campus space, space in the Cone University Center, and all other indoor space on campus that is not Instructional Space, Assigned Space, or Residential Space (as defined in University Policy 601.6, Scheduling University Facilities) is delegated to the Conference, Reservations, and Event Services Office, located in Cone Center.  (Contact this office for a copy of the scheduling procedures.)  Responsibility for the scheduling and use of Residential Space is delegated to the Director of Housing and Residential Life.

Generally space is reserved on a first come, first served basis within the timelines and priorities established in University Policy 601.6, Scheduling University Facilities, as well as those established by each area of usage.

The Conference, Reservations, and Event Services Office is available to assist in securing the necessary facilities and services for hosting on-campus conferences, workshops, or meetings.  This could include but is not limited to housing (summer months only), meeting and recreational space, parking, visitor information, food service arrangements, and technical support.

When planning events it is important to consider individuals with disabilities who may attend the events.  Accessible planning should include the faculty, staff, students and campus visitors who may need accessible features in order to participate in events. A request for event accommodations should be addressed early to ensure that services can be set-up.   If you have questions about how to make your event accessible or receive a request for an accommodation, contact the Office of Disability Services or visit the University’s Accessibility website.


The Office of OneIT manages the campus voice and data networks, centralized servers, University-owned computers, operating systems, and software to support teaching and learning, research, and business processes.  OneIT maintains and supports the University’s core administrative systems, performs application development, and administers and supports all of the University’s central server resources.  ITS provides development, consulting, and support services for the University web presence, its portal (My UNC Charlotte), and the learning management system.  OneIT also provides facilities and services in support of the University’s research mission.

The University is a member of the North Carolina Research and Education Network, which provides access to the North Carolina Supercomputer Center and other state resources.  UNC Charlotte has a policy governing the use of computer software for which it has procured licenses.  For more information, refer to University Policy 601.14, Proprietary Software.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning is open to all members of the UNC Charlotte teaching community.  The Center for Teaching and Learning enhances the University’s mission of teaching and learning excellence, provides enterprise level instructional technologies, and champions the advancement of scholarly teaching.

Electronic Communication Systems

University electronic communication accounts are provided and supported by the State of North Carolina to support the missions of the University.

The purpose of University Policy 304, Electronic Communication Systems, is to ensure the appropriate use of the University’s electronic communication systems (ECS) by its students, faculty, and staff.  ECS are tools provided by the University to complement traditional methods of communication and to improve education and administrative efficiency.  Users have the responsibility to use these resources in an efficient, effective, ethical, and lawful manner. Use of the University’s electronic communication systems evidences the user’s agreement to be bound by this Policy.  Violations of this Policy may result in restriction of access to the University email system and/or other appropriate disciplinary action.

While personal use of University ECS accounts is not prohibited by law, and while the University does not routinely monitor any user’s ECS content, privacy of personal ECS content residing on or transmitted through University equipment is not assured.  Because the University is a State entity, all data transmitted or stored using ECS capabilities are subject to the requirements of North Carolina’s Public Records law, which generally requires that any person may have access to State records. Courts may order the production of University records, including ECS records, in connection with litigation. Appropriate law enforcement and other officials may, consistent with law, have access to documents for purposes of investigating allegations of violations of law or of University policy.  Given such considerations, but subject to the requirements of the North Carolina Public Records Act, no University faculty member, staff member, or student should use a University ECS account with the expectation that any particular ECS content, whether personal or business-related, will be private.

IT Service Desk

The IT Service Desk provides service for customers’ University-owned personal computer hardware and software needs including installation, connectivity, upgrade and maintenance of desktops, laptops, workstations, mice, keyboards, printers, thin clients, and scanners.  In addition, handheld mobile devices are supported.  The Niner Tech Computer Store also provides repair service at a modest cost for the privately owned computers of members of the University community.


The North Carolina State Budget Office regulates UNC Charlotte travel activity.  Standard per diem and mileage rates are established by the State Budget Office.

UNC Charlotte’s travel procedures are designed to ensure compliance with regulations, provide the traveler and the traveler’s supervisor with a trip planning tool, guarantee the lowest cost to the institution and provide the department fund manager with financial management information.

Listed below are the procedures for arranging travel for members of the faculty and staff:

  1. Complete a Travel Authorization form including appropriate approvals and forward to the Financial Services Travel Section two weeks prior to departure date. (Faculty may be required to submit travel documents to their departmental office.) If the mode of transportation is air, lower fares and savings to the institution can be obtained if the authorization procedures are completed 30 or more days in advance of the departure date.
  2. If an advance of funds is needed for the trip, the traveler should prepare a Check Request in the amount needed, but not to exceed the estimated cost of travel, and submit the request with the Travel Authorization. Travel advances are released to the traveler five days prior to departure. Travel advances are deducted from travel expense reimbursements when filed.
  3. A Travel Reimbursement form must be completed and submitted to the Travel Section in Financial Affairs no later than 30 days after completion of travel. Timely filing of travel reimbursement forms will speed up reimbursements to the traveler as well as provide the department fund manager with actual costs associated with the trip.

Travel regulations and procedural changes are communicated to the campus at the beginning of each fall semester through travel seminars conducted by Financial Services. In addition, the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs provides other information to the campus community through written memoranda and items on the Inside UNC Charlotte website.  See University Policy 602.7, Travel Authorization and Reimbursement.

Tuition Waiver

Eligible faculty members employed by UNC Charlotte shall have tuition and fees waived for up to three UNC Charlotte for-credit academic courses for any one-year period measured from the first day of classes for the Fall semester, provided that the courses do not interfere with normal employment obligations.  The three courses permitted each academic year may be taken during one semester or in different semesters.  Applications for Faculty/Staff Tuition Waiver are available online from the Human Resources Department.  For more information, refer to University Policy 101.1, Tuition Privileges for Certain Faculty and Staff.

Unemployment Compensation

All University employees except student workers are eligible for unemployment compensation benefits if loss of employment occurs through no fault of the employee. Voluntary terminations and discharges for cause are not normally covered by unemployment compensation. Eligibility is determined by the North Carolina Employment Security Commission (ESC), and specific filing information may be obtained from the local ESC office.


Faculty members on regular nine-month appointments accrue no vacation leave.  Twelve-month faculty members earn twenty-four days of annual leave per year. Part-time permanent twelve-month faculty members earn annual leave on a pro rata basis.  For more information, refer to University Policy 102.4, Annual and Sick Leave for Faculty Members.

Time for nine-month faculty members to take vacations is available when the University is closed and during the summer when they are not teaching.  All weekdays during the academic year are considered to be workdays except when the University is officially closed.  Periods when classes are not in session and the University is not closed may be used for meetings, student advising and registration, and other University activities in addition to the professional activities of individual faculty members.

Violation of University Policy

Violations by faculty and staff of University Policies are grounds for disciplinary action, which may range from a warning to dismissal from employment.  For more information, refer to University Policy 801, Violation of University Policy.

Voluntary Shared Leave Program

A leave-earning member of the faculty who experiences a serious and prolonged medical condition and who has exhausted or is about to exhaust all available compensatory time, sick and vacation/annual/bonus leave may apply for or be nominated to receive additional leave transferred from the vacation/annual leave account of another employee. The medical condition may be a condition of the employee or a family member of the employee.  The intent of the policy is to allow employees to assist one another in case of a crisis involving a serious medical condition.  This policy is not intended to apply to incidental, routine, short-term medical conditions. For more information, refer to University Policy 101.14, Voluntary Shared Leave Program.

Workers’ Compensation

North Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation law provides that University employees injured on the job will, subject to statutory requirements, receive specified medical and other benefits paid by the University. The Student Health Center is the primary contact for University employees hurt on the job. These employees shall be directed to the Health Center for initial and follow-up treatment. The follow-up treatment may either be at the Health Center, an appropriate specialist’s office, or a physician deemed appropriate by both parties.

Should the Health Center be closed, an employee injured on the job will be directed to the emergency room of University Hospital to be evaluated by the hospital’s emergency room physician.

The supervisor of an employee injured on the job is required to submit a written report to the University Environmental Health and Safety Office no later than 24 hours from the date of the accident. Claims for workers’ compensation, including claims for medical services and disability compensation, are to be submitted to the Environmental Health and Safety Office for review and processing. For more information, refer to University Policy 101.7, Workers’ Compensation.  See also Personnel Information Memorandum #26, Incident Reporting/Investigation Procedures.  Employees and Supervisors must comply with the State of North Carolina’s mandatory Return to Work Program.  Specific guidelines are outlined in Personnel Information Memorandum #49, Return to Work Program.

teaching at unc charlotte

Academic Freedom

UNC Charlotte endorses and supports the principles of academic freedom and responsibility of Faculty, as set forth in Sections 601 and 602 of The Code in the UNC Policy Manual.  UNC Charlotte will support and encourage full freedom, within the law, of inquiry, discourse, teaching, research, and publication for all members of its Faculty, to the end that they may responsibly pursue the transmission and advancement of knowledge and understanding free from internal or external restraints that would unreasonably restrict academic endeavors.  The University will protect Faculty Members in the responsible exercise of the freedom to teach, to learn, and otherwise to seek and speak the truth, and will not penalize or discipline members because of the exercise of academic freedom in the lawful pursuit of their respective areas of scholarly and professional interest and responsibility.

Faculty Members will share in the responsibility for maintaining an environment in which academic freedom flourishes and in which the rights of each member of the academic community are respected.  They are expected to recognize that accuracy, forthrightness and dignity befit their association with the University, and should not represent themselves, without authorization, as spokespersons for the University of North Carolina or any of its constituent institutions.

For more information, refer to University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures.  

Academic Year

“Academic Year” and its beginning and end means the academic year as shown on the official University academic calendar published by the Office of Academic Affairs. The nine-month academic year consists of two regular semesters.  The Fall semester begins in August and ends in December, and the Spring semester begins in January and ends in May.  Summer terms are sessions are offered in two five-week sessions and one ten-week session.   

The University calendar is prepared annually by the Office of Academic Affairs in consultation with the Faculty Council and the other divisions of the University.  After approval by the Chancellor, the calendar is published on the Office of the Registrar website.


Assignment of Advisors

Each student entering a degree program at UNC Charlotte is assigned an academic advisor or advisory committee in his or her major field.  At UNC Charlotte, undergraduate academic advising is decentralized.  Students are assigned advisors in the college of the student’s major.  In the case of multiple majors, students are assigned multiple advisors.  Undeclared students, and students in transition between majors, are advised by the University Advising Center of University College.  Freshmen and transfer students participating in SOAR (Student Orientation, Advising, and Registration) may or may not continue with the same advisor who worked with them in the summer.  Non-degree students do not have assigned advisors.   If the student is a member of a special population, she or he may be assigned a “secondary” advisor from a related office.  For example, the Office of Adult Students and Evening Services is available to assist adult and nontraditional students in developing and implementing individual plans for achieving their academic and career goals.  

Student Responsibility in the Advising Process

Each student is responsible for the proper completion of his or her academic program, for familiarity with the UNC Charlotte Undergraduate and/or Graduate Catalog, for maintaining the grade point average required, and for meeting all other degree requirements.  Students assume academic and financial responsibility for the courses in which they enroll and are relieved of these responsibilities only by formally terminating enrollment.  The advisor will counsel, but the final responsibility remains that of the student.  New undergraduate students are provided an Advising Essentials folder which outlines the full list of student and advisor responsibilities.  The central Advising website is an extensive resource for undergraduate students and their advisors.

Faculty Advisor’s Responsibilities in the Advising Process

Research demonstrates that strong academic advising can have a significantly positive impact on students, primarily improved retention and progression at both the undergraduate and graduate level. On the other hand, poor advising has been found to be a definitive reason for students leaving an institution.  By establishing a relationship with students, encouraging them to become involved in the University and their department, and referring them to various services (e.g., tutoring, writing center, career services), academic advisors will enhance the students’ experience.

Faculty and staff advisors have the responsibility to:

  • Provide accurate and timely information about degree and career-related requirements.
  • Be available during publicized office hours.
  • Respond to students’ inquiries within two business days.
  • Empower each student to make independent and informed decisions.
  • Be knowledgeable about policies and procedures.
  • Serve as a guide, teacher, facilitator, coach, and counselor.
  • Make appropriate referrals.
  • Encourage active engagement in the curriculum-based advising process by using the CAPP degree audit.
  • Advise from an integrated perspective of general education, major(s), minor(s), experiential learning, study abroad.
  • Ensure smooth transition for students declaring and changing majors.
  • Keep accurate and up-to-date advising records in Niner Advisor.
  • Provide realistic options for students’ decision making and encourage reasonable time to degree.
  • Be resourceful, utilizing web-based resources, advising tools and professional development opportunities.

The advisor has the responsibility to talk periodically with advisees, especially at times to enable students to prepare themselves to plan their academic career and register for courses.  The advisor should be available throughout the academic year and should schedule routine appointments with students to discuss their academic progress.

Students rely upon advisors to provide accurate information about academic regulations and procedures, course prerequisites, and graduation requirements and to provide signatures on forms. The signature may indicate the advisor’s recommendation for such things as exceptions to the course drop deadlines. If the advisor does not recommend an action requested by the student, the signature, with appropriate notation, may be used to indicate that the advisor has discussed with the student the consequences of the requested action.

In addition, the advisor should be available for discussing nonacademic problems as well as academic concerns.  For example, an advisor can assist an advisee in making academic adjustments in a case of serious illness or injury.  The advisor should refer students to support services offered them by the University.  Brief descriptions of these services are located in the Student Resources section of this Handbook.

Students sometimes ask advisors to confirm that they have completed all requirements for their degree.  While the advisor can assist the student to review the requirements and how the student’s coursework corresponds to them, the Office of the Registrar is responsible for the official degree audit and certification that the student has met all University requirements.  The department chair, with assistance of the undergraduate/graduate coordinator, is responsible for certification that departmental requirements are met.

Faculty serving as advisors to undergraduate students are encouraged to: 1) take the Online Tutorial for New Faculty/Staff Advisors; 2) utilize the Advising Manual for All Faculty/Staff Advisors; and 3) familiarize themselves with the central Academic Advising website.  The Tutorial and Manual are available in the Advisor Toolkit.

Guidelines for the Advisor-Advisee Relationship

In an ideal advisor-advisee relationship, the advisor does not make decisions for a student but serves as a listener who assists the student in considering various alternatives and their consequences. The advisor helps the student recognize personal strengths and weaknesses and encourages the student to make maximum use of native ability. An advisor should not attempt to handle cases of emotional disturbances that fall outside normal behavior patterns. Complex mental, physical, personal, financial, employment-related, and other counseling problems can be referred to support services such as the Student Health Center, Center for Counseling and Psychological Services, Dean of Students Office, or Niner Central.  It is also important that the advisor encourage the advisee to set up an appointment with a staff member in the University Career Center to discuss employment and career goals.


Awards for teaching, mentoring, advising, and community engagement are just some of the awards given to members of the faculty.  For a list of awards, both at the undergraduate and graduate level, visit the Academic Affairs Awards and Honors webpage.  Additional faculty awards may be available in each college and/or department.

Center for Teaching and Learning

The Center for Teaching and Learning enhances the University’s mission of teaching and learning excellence, provides enterprise level instructional technologies, and champions the advancement of scholarly teaching. Major priorities include:

  • Providing professional development opportunities to ensure constructive and active learning environments.
  • Leveraging the experience and wisdom of faculty leaders to promote teaching excellence.
  • Encouraging innovative research and scholarly publication on teaching and learning.
  • Identifying, developing, and sustaining enterprise level instructional technology systems.
  • Collaborating with campus constituents to assess programs, tools, and services that support their teaching and learning needs.
  • Contributing to the development of policies, initiatives, and campus-wide culture that supports excellence in teaching.
Chancellor’s Professor Designation

The title of Chancellor’s Professor is a campus-wide recognition of outstanding contributions primarily in a specific discipline, but exhibiting an interdisciplinary character enabling contributions in more than one department or college.  The purpose is to bestow on an individual an academic rank which transcends disciplinary lines and to allow each designated individual the greatest latitude in teaching, scholarship, and community engagement.  Criteria and procedures for the Chancellor’s Professor Designation may be found in the UNC Charlotte Academic Policy and Procedure: Chancellor’s Professor Designation

Class Rosters

Faculty members obtain their class rosters using Banner Self-Service online.  Instructions are available online at the Office of the Registrar’s website.  Faculty are asked to verify their official roster against actual attendance by the end of the first week of classes.  The census date for state funding takes place at the end of the first two weeks of the Fall and Spring semesters (and respective dates in the Summer). Eligible students must be enrolled before that time in order to be counted in the official census which is used for funding. Students who are attending, but do not appear on the roster should be advised to register and that they are not enrolled and will not earn a grade or credit for the course.

Class Scheduling

During the regular academic year, day classes are scheduled in 50-minute blocks on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tuesday and Thursday classes are scheduled at one and one-half hour intervals and last 75 minutes. Late afternoon and evening classes meet either twice a week for 75 minutes or once a week for 165 minutes.  Weekend classes and asynchronous online classes are also used to meet the needs of our growing student body.

Prior to the start of registration for a term, the Office of the Registrar works with the colleges and academic departments to develop the class schedule for the term. The academic departments, in consultation with the college deans, are responsible for developing the schedule with a view toward cost effective delivery of approved academic programs and in accordance with UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Class Scheduling Guidelines and Classroom Utilization. The Office of the Registrar is responsible for assigning general use classrooms to implement the departmental schedules and working with the college deans to negotiate schedule adjustments required by facilities limitations and University policy.  If a faculty member has specific classroom requirements he or she should make them known to the department chairperson or college dean when the schedule is being developed. If the first class meeting indicates the need for a change of classrooms, the faculty member should notify the department chairperson or college dean immediately so that a change can be requested. Under no circumstances should a faculty member change classrooms without first consulting the department chairperson or college dean who will make arrangements with the Office of the Registrar.  For more information, refer to University Policy 601.6, Scheduling University Facilities.

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for publishing the Schedule of Classes online for the student registration process each term. In addition to a listing of the Schedule of Classes, the Office of the Registrar website contains information about registration policies and procedures and the academic calendar for the term.

Classroom Audiovisual Equipment Support

Instructional Support Services

Located in Atkins Library, Area 49 offers a number of learning opportunities for students, faculty, staff, and classes.

Audiovisual Integration and Support for Learning Environments (AISLE)

AISLE provides real-time classroom assistance for instructors experiencing any high-tech or low-tech difficulties, as well as provides maintenance of equipment.    

Classroom Civility

Both the faculty member and the student should expect the classroom environment to be one that encourages open discussion and is free from rude or disruptive behavior.  The ability to balance openness and rude or disruptive behavior can be difficult. A document prepared by the Office of Legal Affairs titled Civility in the Classroom: Practical Advice for Faculty Members contains a number of useful ideas on how to maintain the level of classroom civility that protects academic freedom while discouraging rude or inappropriate behavior.

Computer Use

The computing and electronic communication resources that UNC Charlotte provides for faculty, staff, and students are essential to carrying out the University’s primary missions of instruction, research, and public service. Protecting and preserving University computing and electronic communication resources is a cooperative effort that requires each member of the University community to act responsibly and guard against abuses. The Standard for Responsible Use sets forth standards of responsible use, which demonstrate respect for unobstructed access, intellectual property rights, truth in communication, ownership of data, system security and integrity, and individuals’ rights. Responsible use includes, but is not limited to, respecting the rights of other users, sustaining the integrity of systems and related physical resources, and observing all relevant policies, laws, regulations, and contractual obligations.

Conduct at Speech Events

The transmission and advancement of knowledge and understanding flourishes in an environment in which the broadest range of ideas may be presented, examined, and debated. Individuals and groups often sponsor events where speakers from within or outside the University present their views and ideas. In order to carry out its responsibility to promote free expression and the robust exchange of ideas in an atmosphere of mutual respect for the rights of those who wish to speak, those who wish to hear, and those who wish to protest against the ideas expressed, the University has developed standards for conduct at speech events. 

For more information, refer to University Policy 802, Conduct at Speech Events.

Course Evaluations

Courses and instruction are assessed through student evaluations using a standardized online survey that has been developed at UNC Charlotte. Each college or department designee will distribute specific instructions to each faculty member on the administration and collection of the student evaluations. The results of evaluations are used to provide feedback to instructors and to assist with assessment of teaching during considerations for merit raises, reappointment, promotion, tenure, and scheduling and revision of courses.

Course Syllabus and Requirements, and Expectations for Students

It is required at the beginning of each course that faculty provide a course syllabus in paper or electronic format to each student that explains exactly what will be expected of them in the course; this applies to all forms of instruction.  The syllabus should include at a minimum the expected student learning outcomes, number of credit hours, grading information, and scheduled meeting times.  If students have advance knowledge of policies regarding class attendance, grading, academic integrity and assignments, there is less likelihood that problems will arise later in the semester stemming from a student’s claim that he or she did not know what was expected. Suggested wording on academic integrity can be found in the Academic Regulations and Procedures section of this handbook under “Academic Integrity.”  Please note that some colleges may have a preferred standard syllabus format.  For more information, see the UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Guidelines for Independent Study.  

See also Suggested Syllabus Policies on the Office of Legal Affairs website.

Determination of Faculty Teaching Loads

The total workload for each full-time faculty member is ordinarily composed of classroom teaching, academic advising, course-related consultation, appropriate committee assignments, possible administrative duties, professional development activities, and course and curriculum development. Within this framework, the classroom teaching assignment for a faculty member may vary from semester to semester, and it may differ from one faculty member to another; faculty are encouraged to refer to departmental workload policies, if applicable.  See the UNC Charlotte Academic Procedure: Teaching Load for additional information.

Environment for Learning

As articulated in the University’s Mission and Vision Statements (see the “Institutional Planning” section under the “History and Governance of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte” heading in this handbook), UNC Charlotte is committed to excellence in its teaching, research, and service programs and the relationships that support and are supported by them. Emphasis is placed on creating a campus environment that encourages the active involvement of students in their personal and intellectual development and that promotes responsible citizenship.

The policies and practices of the University are designed to promote for each of its members:

  • attitudes and opportunities for creative, critical, and independent inquiry;
  • high standards for the acquisition of knowledge and the achievement of intellectual understanding;
  • freedom from the limitations of ignorance, prejudice and intolerance;
  • self-knowledge and an understanding of the relationships of the individual to society; and,
  • knowledge of and experience with cultures and circumstances that differ from the familiar in location, time, or values.

UNC Charlotte is committed to ensuring an environment for all students and employees which is fair, humane, and respectful – an environment that supports and rewards student and employee performance on the basis of relevant considerations such as ability and effort.

Evening Classes

The University does not offer a separate program to serve students who can attend only in the evening. However, the academic program is offered through class periods scheduled from 8:00 in the morning through 9:30 in the evening.  Faculty members can be assigned to teach in the evening.  The Office of Adult Students and Evening Services provides support for those completing degrees primarily during the evening and on weekends.

Non-Discrimination on the Basis of Disability

Consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, the University shall operate its programs, activities, and services to ensure that no qualified individual with a disability shall be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination solely by reason of his/her disability. University Policy 501.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Regulation, defines the policy of the University regarding compliance with the applicable standards of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability as described in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, hereinafter referred to as “the Acts,” and outlines the procedures by which those individuals alleging discrimination under the provisions of the Acts may seek redress.

For more information, refer to University Policy 501.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Regulation, and the University’s Accessibility website.

Obscenity Laws

Members of the University community should be aware of and sensitive to legal definitions of “obscenity” in the state and local community that may differ from those in other parts of the country. Students under the age of 18 are minors and are protected by laws that prohibit them from viewing material that depicts sexually explicit nudity or sexual activity that violates contemporary community standards.  While faculty are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject.  (See AAUP Statement on Academic Freedom.)  Additionally, events open to the public that may be attended by those under the age of 18 require special procedures. Current laws are particularly strict when minors are involved in productions or activities that may be judged to be obscene. Consult the Office of Legal Affairs for information about the most recent laws. In North Carolina, applicable obscenity laws are set forth in NCGS Chapter 26, § 14-190.1 through 14-190.15.

Office Hours

Faculty members are expected to schedule sufficient office hours for consultation with students in their classes, with advisees, and colleagues.  Provision should be made to accommodate student schedules.  It is helpful if office hours and locations are included in your syllabus and filed in the department or college office.

Most departments keep a list of office hours for use in assisting people trying to contact faculty members. Just prior to advance registration and during other peak advising periods, faculty may need to schedule additional office hours.

Use of Copyrighted Materials in Teaching

Faculty members are reminded that “Copyright” is legal protection for creative intellectual works, which is broadly interpreted to cover any tangible expression of an idea. Text (including email and internet content), graphics, art, photographs, music, movies, and software are examples of types of works protected by copyright. The creator of the work, or sometimes the person who hired the creator, is usually the copyright owner.

“Use” of a work means copying, distributing, making derivative works, publicly displaying, or publicly performing the work, and includes downloading and uploading content on the internet. You may “use” all or part of a copyrighted work only if (a) you have the copyright owner’s permission, or (b) you qualify for a legal exception.

The Office of Legal Affairs can provide advice on specific copyright questions related to University work.  Additional information about copyright law and fair use in the educational setting is available online from The Essential Copyright webpage hosted by Atkins Library and from the Copyright Law Resources webpage hosted by the Office of Legal Affairs.  In addition, the Office of Legal Affairs issues an annual reminder to faculty and staff about compliance with Copyright Law.

Web Environment for Courses

The Center for Teaching and Learning provides a web-based course management and learning system which can be used to augment or fully deliver courses online.  The Center also provides support and resources for both faculty and students. 

Academic regulations and Procedures

Academic Degree Requirements (Undergraduate and Graduate)

The baccalaureate degrees require the completion of a minimum of 120 semester hours of credit including all requirements for a major field of study and general education requirements to achieve the goals of a UNC Charlotte education. Specific requirements for each major are specified under the college and departmental section of the Undergraduate Catalog.  An overall cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 is required, as well as a minimum 2.0 grade point average in the major or minor.  Some programs may require a higher grade point average. 

General Education at UNC Charlotte

The purpose of the General Education Program is to provide undergraduate students, regardless of their majors, with the foundations of a liberal education.  The program is designed to address four areas of liberal education. First, it helps students develop the foundational skills necessary for obtaining the full benefits of a college education: basic college-level writing, basic use of information technology, and basic college-level mathematical and logical skills.  Second, it helps provide students with an understanding of the methods of scientific inquiry and the ways that knowledge is acquired and accredited in the life sciences, physical sciences, and social sciences.  Third, the General Education Program addresses major themes related to living as a liberally educated person in the twenty-first century. Students take four liberal studies courses designed especially for the General Education Program. Fourth, it helps students develop more specialized communication skills for disciplinary writing and oral presentations.

Exceptions to the general education requirements must be approved by the dean of University College.   The dean is responsible for considering requests to meet requirements with transfer courses for which there are no UNC Charlotte equivalents or for which the UNC Charlotte equivalents have not been approved to meet the requirements

The graduate degree requirements differ from undergraduate requirements and are outlined in the Graduate Catalog.

Academic Integrity

The academic integrity standards for students at UNC Charlotte are the subject of the Code of Student Academic Integrity. Descriptions of each form of academic integrity violation are provided as well as the potential educational outcomes, procedures for handling cases, and appeal procedures. Students and faculty members are expected to be familiar with the provisions of this policy.  

The University recognizes that academic misconduct detracts from the value of a UNC Charlotte degree and has influence beyond the University community, including relationships with employers, other educational institutions, the business community, the UNC system, and the community at large.

The purpose of the Code of Student Academic Integrity is to:

  1. support and promote an ethical learning environment;
  2. create consistent standards for all members of the academic community;
  3. assist Students in learning responsibility for one’s own academic work;
  4. protect the academic environment of the University community; and
  5. clarify Student values and how they relate to the behavior in question.

The current version of University Policy 407, Code of Student Academic Integrity is available online at https://legal.uncc.edu/policies/up-407.

Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution staff are available to consult on or answer questions related to academic misconduct concerns. Throughout the academic term, an instructor may discover or receive information that a violation of academic integrity may have occurred. If the instructor determines there is sufficient information to proceed with an allegation, they must contact Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution to determine  which resolution options are available.

If the student has no prior violation for academic misconduct, the instructor can offer an Informal Resolution. When considering this, the instructor should know:

  • The most severe sanction that can be offered is an “F” in the course for an undergraduate student and a “U” in the course for a graduate student.
  • If this is a severe first offense, second or subsequent offense, the student declines an Informal Resolution, or a more severe penalty is deemed appropriate, the instructor must refer the case to Student Accountability & Conflict Resolution. To do this, please complete the Academic Integrity Charge Form.
Academic Program and Curriculum Development

Academic Program Development Procedures   

The policies and procedures for planning and establishing new academic degree programs are described in Academic Program Development Procedures published by the President of the University of North Carolina. This document identifies the types of instructional development (e.g., new degree programs and new degree program tracks) that require approval beyond the campus level and provides formats for preparation of proposals and instructions for their submission.

Course and Curriculum Development Procedures

The faculty has policy-making responsibility and authority for “establishing curricula and developing and reviewing proposed new programs” (Article III, Section 3A of the Constitution of the Faculty). The procedures for review and approval of course and curriculum proposals beyond the department and college levels are described in the Standing Rules of the Faculty Council.  Undergraduate course and curriculum proposals are considered by the Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Committee, and graduate courses and curriculum proposals are reviewed by the Graduate Council.  The Faculty Council for University College is responsible for the General Education Program.  This committee sets policy and is responsible for maintaining the academic standards of the program, for assessing its effectiveness, and for making recommendations for changes to improve the program.  Procedures and forms for Course and Curriculum Proposals are available on the Faculty Governance website

Application Procedure for the Degree

Application for an undergraduate degree is made through Banner Self Service.  Instructions are available on the Office of the Registrar website.  The application must be made no later than the filing dates specified in the current UNC Charlotte academic calendar.  Upon submission of the application, students are billed the appropriate fee through Student Accounts.  Degrees are conferred at commencement exercises held in December (for Summer and Fall graduates) and May (for Spring graduates). Degrees are posted and diplomas mailed during the month after the end of the term of graduation. The student’s academic transcript will indicate the graduation date as the last day of the semester in which all degree requirements were met.

Classroom Policies and Attendance


Each instructor determines the classroom policies (including attendance regulations) for his or her courses.  In general, students are expected to attend punctually all scheduled sessions in the courses for which they are registered, to demonstrate civil behavior while in class, and to complete all of the course requirements.  Instructors may outline additional and more specific standards in the course syllabus, especially when attendance is part of the grading criteria for the class.  For online synchronous classes, instructors can choose to take attendance with any technology available to them.  Absences from class may be excused by the instructor for such reasons as personal illness or participating as an authorized University representative in an out-of-town event.  Whenever possible, students are expected to seek the permission of the instructor prior to absences.  Absences for religious holidays fall under University Policy 409, Religious Accommodation for Students.

See the UNC Charlotte Academic Policy: Classroom Attendance for the most current information.


Faculty members are expected to meet their regularly scheduled classes.  In the case of illness or emergency, if a faculty member is unable to meet a class, the department chairperson or dean should be notified immediately so that appropriate arrangements to cover the class can be made.  In the case of anticipated absences, faculty members should make their own appropriate arrangements for their classes and should inform the department chairperson or dean of the arrangements.

Students Reporting Deaths of Immediate Family Members

In the event a student informs a faculty member that he/she will miss or has missed class due to a death in the family, you are encouraged to refer the student to the Dean of Students Office for assistance.  The Dean of Students Office will make every effort to determine the validity of the student’s absence and inform faculty members in writing once the appropriate documentation has been obtained from the student.

Students referred to the Dean of Students Office will be asked to provide credible documentation to support their absence from class.  This documentation may include:

  • A copy of a death certificate of the immediate family member OR
  • The obituary of the deceased which includes the student’s name in the listing of surviving family members OR
  • A memorial service or funeral program which includes the date and location of the service and the student’s name in the listing of surviving family members.
  • Any other information that would confirm the death of an immediate family member.

Upon review of documentation, the Dean of Students or designee will provide written notification to all of the student’s faculty members including the date and location of the memorial service. 

Conducting Conferences, Seminars, Institutes, Workshops and Extra-Budget Programs

An important mission of the University is to provide intellectual leadership to the state of North Carolina and the Southeast by sponsoring conferences, seminars, institutes and workshops on important issues and topics. Departments are encouraged to initiate these activities in collaboration with Conference, Reservations, and Event Services and the School of Professional Studies, which can provide logistical and administrative support. These activities, including administrative services provided by the University through the School of Professional Studies, are funded entirely from participant fees, grants and contracts. Faculty members interested in planning conferences, seminars, institutes and workshops should first receive the endorsement of their department chairpersons or deans, and then contact the School of Professional Studies.  For more information, refer to University Policy 201, University Continuing Education Activities and University Policy 604.1, Operation of Vehicles on University Business.


The UNC Board of Governors and UNC Charlotte have issued policies and regulations regarding external professional activities for pay. For more information, refer to University Policy 102.1, External Professional Activities of Faculty and Other Professional Staff Exempt from the State Human Resources Act. Activities subject to the policy include external consultation and other external services for pay.

Board of Governors’ Regulation 300.2.2.1[R] (supplemental to Board of Governors’ Policy 300.2.2, Section II.A) in the UNC Policy Manual permits such activities provided they do not create conflicts of interest or conflicts of commitment that interfere with obligations to the University, and requires advance review and approval of activities which may create such conflicts.  For more information, refer to the Board of Governors’ Regulation 300.2.2.1[R] in the UNC Policy Manual.  The Notice of Intent to Engage in External Professional Activities for Pay form for advance reporting of such activities is completed online through the Activities, Interests and Authorships (“AIR”) system.

Death of a Student

When the death of a student occurs, it is the responsibility of the University to respond in a sensitive and appropriate manner, recognizing that individuals respond in different ways to different circumstances that may surround a death. The University recognizes that the death of a student affects the entire University community, as well as the family and friends of the deceased.

University Policy 404, Death of a Student establishes procedures that support an orderly, effective, and caring response in the unfortunate event of a student death.  Considering the very sensitive and unpredictable nature of a death, no policy or protocol can describe in complete detail all the steps that must be taken by the University. This Policy sets forth guidelines to support communications and notifications in the event of a student death. Those responsible for implementing this Policy should be guided by the essential communication needs required in these situations, as well as by empathy, sensitivity, and support for the bereaved and the need to preserve important evidence in some instances.

While University Policy 404, Death of a Student, pertains particularly to currently enrolled, degree-seeking students, it is also desirable to include under it distance learning students, students who have dropped out of the University, and English Language Training Institute (ELTI) students.  In the event of the death of an ELTI or an international student, the Office of International Programs should be notified as soon as possible.  While alumni are not technically students, it is desirable that the UNC Charlotte Alumni Association be notified in the case of a death of an alumnus.

Declaring or Changing a Major/Minor

An undergraduate student may change the degree program, major, area of academic concentration, or minor in which he/she is enrolled and may enroll in a new program of study provided that space is available and that he/she meets the prerequisites for admission to the new program, and submit an approved “Change of Major/Minor” form through the relevant department to the Office of the Registrar.  Changes in major, particularly those made after a student has earned 60 credit hours, may delay graduation.  Additional information can be found under the “Declaring Majors and Minors” heading in the “Degree Requirements and Academic Policies” section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Disruption of Operations of the University

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte has long honored the right of free discussion and expression, peaceful picketing and demonstrations, the right to petition and peaceably to assemble.  That these rights are a part of the fabric of this institution is not questioned.  They must remain secure. It is equally clear, however, that in a community of learning willful disruption of the educational process, destruction of property, and interference with the rights of other members of the community cannot be tolerated.  Accordingly, it shall be policy of this University to deal with any such disruption, destruction or interference promptly and effectively, but also fairly and impartially without regard to

  • race;
  • color;
  • religion, including belief and non-belief;
  • sex, including but not limited to
    • pregnancy, childbirth, or related medical condition, and
    • parenting;
  • sexual orientation;
  • actual or perceived gender identity, including but not limited to
    • gender expression,
    • transition status (including but not limited to physical transition),
    • transgender status, and
    • gender nonconformity;
  • age;
  • national origin;
  • physical or mental disability;
  • political affiliation;
  • veteran status; and
  • genetic information.

Students are subject to the University Policy 406, Code of Student Responsibility, which prohibits certain disruptive conduct and establishes discipline and penalties.  Charges of violations of the Code of Student Responsibility should be brought to the attention of the Office of the Dean of Students.  If an emergency arises involving a disruption, faculty members should call the Campus Police.  For more information, refer to University Policy 601.13, Interference with University Operations.

Ethical Conduct in Research and Scholarship

UNC Charlotte is dedicated to the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity in its pursuit of research and creative activity.  The University is committed to intellectual honesty and will not tolerate misconduct in any aspect of research or scholarly endeavor. It is the policy of UNC Charlotte that the research and creative activities carried out by its faculty, postdoctoral fellows, staff and students be characterized by the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior. Each member of the University community will be held personally responsible for implementing University Policy 309, Ethical Conduct in Research, Scholarship, and Educational Activities in relation to his or her own scholarly work, as well as the work of any associates. UNC Charlotte considers Research Misconduct, as defined in University Policy 309, to be a betrayal of the fundamental principles of scholarship, and the University will deal promptly with all such allegations.

University Policy 309 and its supplemental procedures will normally be followed when an allegation of possible Research Misconduct is received by an institutional official. Particular circumstances in an individual case may dictate variation from the normal procedure deemed in the best interests of UNC Charlotte. Any change from normal procedures also must ensure fair treatment to the subject of the inquiry or investigation. Any significant variation should be approved in advance by the Vice Chancellor for Research.

For more information, refer to University Policy 309, Ethical Conduct in Research, Scholarship, and Educational Activities.

Final Examinations

The normal expectation is that the completion of a course will include a final examination; classes must meet during this time period, although it may be used for oral presentations, discussion, lecture, or whatever is appropriate.

If an examination is given, the responsibility of administering it at the assigned period rests with the instructor. A departure from the published schedule may be made only with the consent of the students concerned.  Approved changes are to be communicated to the Office of the Registrar without delay.  The Office of the Registrar publishes the official final examination schedule each semester.  For more information, refer to University Policy 202, Final Examinations

Procedure for Rescheduling Final Examinations


It is the policy of UNC Charlotte that students having three examinations on the same day should be allowed to reschedule the middle examination.  Students with two examinations scheduled at the same time on the same day should be allowed to reschedule one of the examinations by completing the Final Examination Conflict Form.  


Examinations may be given at other than the prescribed times only with the consent of all students involved and by notifying the Office of the Registrar.  See University Policy 202, Final Examinations

Grading Policy

Letter grades are used to designate the quality of work completed.  There are separate systems of grading for undergraduate and graduate students.  Final course grades should be submitted within three days of the officially scheduled final exam day.  Comprehensive information on grades can be found under the “Grading and Related Policies” heading in the “Degree Requirements and Academic Policies” section of the Undergraduate and Graduate Catalogs.   

University Policy 410, Policy and Procedure for Student Appeals of Final Course Grades, establishes a uniform and clear procedure for mediating and settling cases involving contested final grades assigned in undergraduate and graduate courses. This Policy and Procedure seeks to articulate and to protect both the rights of students for fair and impartial evaluation of their academic performance and the responsibilities of faculty members as the determiners of student grades.

Patents and Copyrights


  1. The University has an interest in inventions made by faculty, staff, or students that are conceived as a part of or as a result of University research or involve the use of University time, facilities, staff, or materials. Faculty, staff, and students must disclose their inventions to the University and avoid making private agreements that conflict with their University-related patent obligations. Public disclosure of inventions is limited to protect patent rights, and prompt notification to the appropriate officials is necessary if publication or public use is planned. Inventors may request waiver of University rights in an invention. Otherwise, the University shares revenues from patents or inventions with the inventors, exclusive of royalties. The University Patent Committee is charged to make decisions including whether to seek patents on University inventions. Rights to copyrightable material are the property of the creator, except in the case of computer software, audiovisual material, or where a sponsored agreement requires otherwise.

For more information, refer to University Policy 301, Patent Policy.


University Policy 315, Copyright Policy, (1) establishes the Faculty Copyright Education and Policy Committee, which provides an educational resource to faculty and staff members and gives faculty members the opportunity to advise the Chancellor on implementation of the Copyright Policy; (2) vests ownership of “Traditional Works or Non-Directed Works” in faculty members or EHRA non-faculty creators, with the University’s retention of only a limited license in such works for the University’s own non-commercial educational or research use; (3) requires department chairs or heads of administrative units to inform a faculty member in writing before University resources are allocated if such use is “exceptional,” in order for the University to claim ownership rights in the resulting work; (4) establishes a mechanism for the University to release or transfer ownership rights in a Traditional Work or Non-Directed Work created through exceptional use of University resources to the work’s creator through an appropriate written agreement; (5) requires department chairs and heads of administrative units to affirmatively establish that a work is a “Directed Work” prior to its creation in order for the University to claim ownership rights in that work; and (6) establishes a mechanism for the University to release or transfer ownership rights in a Directed Work to the work’s creator through an appropriate written agreement.

The Faculty Copyright Education and Policy Committee, together with the Office of Legal Affairs, shall issue and as necessary revise guidelines to assist University faculty, staff, and students in making fair use evaluations.  Faculty, staff or students who require assistance with fair use questions should consult the Office of Legal Affairs. For more information, refer to University Policy 315, Copyright Policy.

Privacy and Confidentiality of Student Records

The primary purpose of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or “FERPA,” is to protect the privacy of student “education records,” as that term is defined in FERPA. 

Faculty, staff, and administrative officers at UNC Charlotte are required by FERPA to treat education records confidentially, unless a legal exception applies, or the student provides written consent to disclose.  Students also have the right to inspect and review their education records and to request that their records be amended.

Faculty members are advised not to disclose information from student records, including grades and other evaluations, to third parties, including parents, without the written permission of the student. Faculty members and staff should consult with the Registrar or the Office of Legal Affairs with questions about disclosure of students’ education records.  For more information, refer to University Policy 402, Student Records.  In addition, a FERPA tutorial that explains the importance of protecting student records is available online for faculty and staff.  All faculty and staff are encouraged to review the tutorial, as well as other information and resources about FERPA on the Office of Legal Affairs website.

For more information, refer to the Regulations implementing FERPA and the Office of Legal Affairs FERPA Resource page.

Registration and Withdrawal


See the Academic Policy on Registration

Withdrawal and Cancellation of Enrollment

See the Academic Policy on Withdrawal and Cancellation of Enrollment.

Reinstatement after Academic Suspension

The University has developed a procedure for students who request to be reinstated to UNC Charlotte after an academic suspension.  These procedures can be found under the “Readmission of Former Students” heading in the “Degree Requirements and Academic Policies” section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Requirements for Continued Enrollment

The University has developed a number of requirements for continued enrollment at UNC Charlotte.  These requirements can be found under the “Requirements for Continued Enrollment” heading in the “Degree Requirements and Academic Policies” section of the Undergraduate Catalog.

Research and Teaching with Laboratory Animals

The experimental use of laboratory animals plays an essential role in University research and education efforts. The University recognizes and accepts its legal and ethical obligations for the humane treatment of animals used in its classrooms and laboratories. To meet these obligations, the University has established an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC, appointed by the Director of Research, is recognized as the principal point of communication about laboratory animal and use issues for the University.

For more information, refer to University Policy 310, Laboratory Animals Used for Teaching and Research.

Research with Human Subjects

Federal law and University policy require that faculty and student research utilizing human beings as subjects be conducted in accordance with accepted ethical and professional standards.  Generally, the faculty or student investigator is required to submit a description of the proposed research to the University’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) for Research with Human Subjects and obtain its approval before conducting the research.  The IRB has the authority to approve, require modifications in, or disapprove any research involving human subjects conducted under UNC Charlotte auspices.  Implementation procedures are described in the Guidelines for Research, which is updated periodically by the Office of Research Compliance.  The Division of Research will facilitate contact with the IRB.

For more information, refer to University Policy 306, Research Utilizing Human Subjects.

Research with Private Industry and Publication of Research Findings

The University supports collaborative effort with private industry. However, the academic goal of free distribution of knowledge sometimes conflicts with the proprietary and competitive interests of private industry. The Chancellor must approve any agreement to guard the confidentiality of proprietary information. No agreement, however, may interfere with the publication or oral defense of research theses and dissertations of graduate students. For more information, refer to University Policy 308, Research Relations with Private Enterprise and Publication of Research Findings, and University Policy 203, Grants, Contracts, and Cooperative Agreements to Finance Sponsored Programs, which outlines the steps involved to submit an application to establish an agreement between the University or a faculty member and an external agency.

Residence Requirements

To graduate, a student must earn at least 25% of baccalaureate degree requirements at UNC Charlotte, including the last 12 credit hours of work in the major field and at least 6 credit hours of any minor field of study. Exceptions to these hour provisions may be made upon the recommendation of the student’s major department and with the approval of the dean of the college of the student’s major. (Please note: earning 25% of the degree at UNC Charlotte cannot be waived due to Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) accreditation standards.) Coursework taken in residence shall be construed to mean work offered by UNC Charlotte.

Schedule Interruptions

Adverse Weather or other Emergency Events

In the event of adverse weather or other emergency events, students and faculty are expected to observe normal schedules unless the Chancellor (or designee) publicly announces a change in operating status.  For more information, refer to University Policy 701, Adverse Weather and Emergency Events.  Notification of a change in the status of University operations will be available through the University website and designated media outlets.

If the University is in Operational Status 1 (Normal Schedule), but a faculty member or student determines that they cannot reach campus due to a potentially hazardous travel condition, then,  

  • Students may be allowed to make up the absences, at the discretion of the instructor
  • Faculty members shall immediately notify the department chairperson so that arrangements may be made to meet their scheduled activities and shall make arrangements to complete all interrupted activities
  • All employees who accrue leave credits, subject to the approval of the employee’s immediate supervisor, shall account for time not worked with existing compensatory time then vacation/bonus leave. Leave without pay may be used at the employee’s request and supervisor’s approval.

When unplanned university closures result in UNC Charlotte falling below the minimum number of class days required by North Carolina law, the University will institute a makeup day. This makeup day will be used to make up the most recent day of cancelled class and will be held on the Tuesday of fall recess (Fall Semester) or the Friday of spring recess (Spring Semester).

Religious Accommodation

UNC Charlotte is committed to diversity, nondiscrimination and inclusiveness, and to supporting its students, regardless of religious affiliation or non-affiliation, in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations.  As part of this commitment, the University makes good faith efforts to accommodate a student’s religious practice or belief, unless such accommodation would create undue hardship.  Students and faculty may refer to University Policy 409, Religious Accommodation for Students, for information regarding accommodations due to religious observance. 

Tenure Policies

The policies that govern faculty appointment, annual performance review, and review for reappointment, promotion, and the conferral of permanent tenure can be found in University Policy 102.13, Tenure Policies, Regulations, and Procedures of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

The performance of all academic personnel is reviewed and evaluated regularly to guide and support faculty development and to form the basis for academic personnel decisions including salary adjustment, reappointment, promotion, and conferral of permanent tenure.  Guidelines and procedures for these reviews can be found in Section VI of the Academic Personnel Procedures Handbook.

Transient Study

Courses undertaken by UNC Charlotte undergraduate degree students at a college or university accredited by an accepted accrediting body may be transferred to the University subject to the following regulations:

  1. The University is not obligated to accept any credit from another institution unless the student has obtained the prior approval of the dean of the college in which he/she is enrolled. A “Permit for Transient Study” form should be completed and filed in the UNC Charlotte Office of the Registrar prior to enrollment at another institution.
  2. No credit will be accepted for courses below C level for undergraduate students.
  3. The student must request that an official transcript be sent to the UNC Charlotte Office of the Registrar upon completion of the course.  A form for this purpose is available in the Office of the Registrar at the institution where the course is taken.
  4. Students in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and students in the University College are not permitted to take courses at another educational institution in the Fall or Spring semester if they are enrolled full-time (12 credits or more) at UNC Charlotte in the same semester, unless it is a course not offered at UNC Charlotte (e.g., American Sign Language).
  5. Grades do not transfer.

university resources


Automatic teller machines (ATMs) are located throughout campus.  See https://aux.uncc.edu/vendingatm/atm-locations for details.

UNC Charlotte employees are eligible to become members of the State Employees Credit Union (SECU).  A branch of the State Employees’ Credit Union is located adjacent to the University on University City Boulevard.

Campus Behavior Intervention Team

A select group of faculty and administrators serve on the Campus Behavior Intervention Team to monitor student behaviors that are of serious concern.  Individuals who observe a student that appears to be a threat to themselves or others should immediately contact the Campus Police at 704-687-2200.  To report behaviors that are of concern and not of immediate danger, faculty should use the NinerCare online reporting system or call Student Assistance and Support Services, a function of the Dean of Students Office.  For details, visit the NinerCare site.

Campus Directory

A campus directory is available online.  Faculty are responsible for updating their own directory information online in My UNC Charlotte.  This is also the contact information that Human Resources, the Benefits Office, and Payroll will use.   

Campus Mail

Campus mail is any piece of mail that is to be delivered from one Campus Department/Representative to another Campus Department/Representative. These pieces can either be placed in an inter-departmental envelope or may be sent in an envelope of your choosing. If the mail piece is not sent in an inter-departmental envelope, the mail piece must be distinguished as campus mail by placing the words “CAMPUS MAIL” in the upper right hand corner where postage would be applied.

Charlotte Area Transit System (CATS)

Members of the UNC Charlotte campus community are eligible to purchase a CATS All-Access Transit Pass, which includes unlimited use of the CATS LYNX light rail, streetcar, Special Transportation Service, local and express CATS buses.  For details, visit the Parking and Transportation Services website.

Charlotte Research Institute

The Charlotte Research Institute (CRI) is the portal for business-university partnerships at UNC Charlotte.  Regionally, CRI works with the community and the campus to accelerate technology commercialization and the growth of entrepreneurial ventures.  Globally, CRI develops intellectual capital through collaborations with industry, government and academia.  New business and research ventures, university partnerships with regional and national enterprises, and CRI spin-off companies all draw research and businesses to the region and spur economic growth.

Copy Facilities

UNC Charlotte has a pay-for-print system in Atkins Library.  A 49er Account is required to pay for print jobs in these areas. 

REPROS offers printing and copying services across campus on conveniently-located printers and multifunction devices. REPROS Copy Center also offers copy, faxing and scanning as well as more extensive print production services for online ordering and pick up in the lower level of the Prospector building.

Dining Services

The Optional Dining Account is a dining plan for all students, faculty, and staff.  It is an account set up on your 49er ID card for purchasing food/items at all campus restaurants and convenience stores.  You do not have to carry cash and you can make deposits anytime during the year.  For more information about this and other dining services, visit the Auxiliary Services website.  UNC Charlotte offers a variety of meal locations on campus for all faculty, staff, and students.  

Extended Academic Programs

Recognizing that learning must be a lifelong activity, the University provides opportunities for adults to pursue their continuing education through degree-related studies and special non-credit programs.  With staff dedicated to Workforce Development as well as Corporate Training, the School of Professional Studies responds to the current and emerging workforce needs of companies, organizations, and industries in the region.

Non-credit short courses, seminars, and workshops for adults are offered through Continuing Education.  Specific programs are provided each year for the continuing professional education of accountants, managers and project managers in the public and private sectors, business analysts, engineers, human resource professionals, training and development specialists, paralegals, fire and rescue professionals, emergency medical specialists, and medical office and coding administrators.  The Office offers a variety courses to prepare individuals to sit for various exams, including the SAT, GRE, GMAT, and LSAT.  The Office’s Corporate Training staff design and deliver programs in-house to serve the employees of specific companies and organizations.  The Office also offers academic enrichment camps for youth during the summer.  Continuing Education staff are located at UNC Charlotte’s Center City Building.

Through Distance Education/Extension, courses for academic credit are offered at off-campus sites and via the Internet to serve citizens who live beyond easy commuting distance of the campus. Options for delivery include sending a UNC Charlotte faculty member to an off-campus location to teach a course in person, using one of two state-wide interactive video networks to link a UNC Charlotte faculty member on the campus in Charlotte with students attending class at remote locations throughout the state, and delivering courses online via the Internet.  The Office also has responsibility for offering Summer School, which includes courses offered on the campus, at off-campus sites, and online. 

Faculty Development Programs: Full-Time Faculty

The ultimate purpose of UNC Charlotte Faculty Development Programs is to improve the quality of instruction.  The Office of Academic Affairs publishes a Faculty Resources webpage which includes links to and information about Diversity programs, the Faculty Mentoring Program, Faculty Research Grants, International Program Opportunities, the Provost Faculty Fellow Program, the Reassignment of Duties Program, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) Grants, and other faculty development and teaching award opportunities.

Handling of Injury or Accidents

In the event of an accident or illness that occurs in a classroom, laboratory, or other campus facility, the following instructions apply:

  1. CALL CAMPUS POLICE AND SAFETY AT 911. Campus Police will contact the Student Health Center, if appropriate.
  2. BE CALM! Take the time to give as much information as possible, including:
    1. Your name, location, extension number.
    2. Location and number of persons in need of assistance.
    3. Type of emergency (car wreck, lab accident, etc.).
    4. Description of injury or condition, and its severity.
    5. If the victim is conscious, information you have been able to obtain regarding medications he or she may have taken, allergies or any other information that may be helpful.
  3. Assistance will be provided as indicated by the degree of severity of injury or illness.
    1. Campus police will dispatch an officer to the scene.
    2. Persons able to be moved will be transported to the Student Health Center.
    3. For persons unable to be moved, emergency procedures, including calling an ambulance, shall be initiated by the Student Health Center, if open, and/or the Campus Police.

For further information, see University Policy 712, Medical Services.

Lactation Room

On July 1, 2010, the N.C. Office of State Personnel approved a Lactation Support Policy designed to assist working mothers’ return to the workplace after the birth of a child.  Under this policy, all state agencies and public universities are required to provide space, privacy, and time for nursing mothers to express milk.  See University Policy 101.20, Lactation Policy for more information and on-campus locations.


The J. Murrey Atkins Library, the largest academic research library in the Southern Piedmont region and a member of ASERL (the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries), is the center of intellectual life at UNC Charlotte.  The Library’s mission is to advance the scholarly and creative endeavors of the University and the greater Charlotte community by providing exceptional collections, spaces, services, and technologies.  It inspires innovation, supports research, and cultivates scholarship.


In addition to holding over 3.8 million physical items, including almost 13,000 rare books, the Library continuously develops its digital collections and currently provides access to over 85,000 electronic journals, 600 databases, and 1.2 million electronic books.  Expert subject/liaison librarians offer a variety of research services: course assignment, project, and research paper help; citation management assistance; information literacy classes; support within Canvas courses, and much more.  Students get assistance from a subject librarian through live chat, email, phone, in person at the desk on the 1st floor, and one-on-one consultations for deeper, subject-related research guidance.  Students and classes conduct research with rare materials and archives in Special Collections and University Archives on the 10th floor.


Ask Atkins assists students, faculty, and staff at three service desks and via live chat, email, phone, and text.  Atkins peer assistants offer point-of-need help with equipment, printing, and using library spaces and resources.  The Circulation Desk on the 1st floor is the main service point for locating, lending, renewing, and returning library material including laptops, Interlibrary Loan items, and Course Reserves material.  Document delivery, book retrieval, and Interlibrary Loan are available to students, faculty, and staff to facilitate access to library collections and research material.  Research services include face-to-face and online assistance with all stages of the research process, research instruction sessions and workshops, and data research services.  “Atkins kiosks” throughout the building enable users to check out their own library materials, chat with staff, and schedule/check-in for study rooms.  The Office of OneIT maintains its walk-up help desk in Room 140C, while the University Speaking Center advises students in Room G33, and the Writing Resources Center offers some of its hours in G31.  Tutorial Services conducts some tutoring sessions on the ground floor.


The Library features study and collaboration spaces for all needs including 57 reservable group study rooms, Graduate and Silent Study rooms, and collaborative tables, seating areas, and enclosures throughout the building.  The entire building features wireless access as well as more than 400 computers (Macs and PCs).  Library computers feature a variety of adaptive software supplemented by a dedicated room with assistive technologies next to the Circulation Desk.  Students check out calculators, chargers, and laptops for 24 hours from the Circulation Desk. Atkins offers 137 loaner laptops, both PCs and Macs, at the Circulation Desk and another 30 in a laptop vending machine at the College of Health and Human Services building.  Students can experiment with new technologies (3D printers, cameras, etc.) from the Technology Support Desk, which supports the Visualization Lab, MakerSpace, Gaming Lab, EZ Video Studio, and other specialized spaces on the 2nd floor.  A Photogrammetry Lab was recently added on the 1st Floor near the Circulation Desk.  Other features include device-charging stations and fit/alternative study equipment.  Vending machines offer office supplies, coffee/beverages, and other food to supplement the offerings of the Library Café on the ground floor.  Students may bring their own beverages and food; microwaves are available. 

The Charles C. Hight Architecture Library is located on the 2nd Floor of the Storrs building, which houses the College of Arts + Architecture.  The Hight Library collection includes: books, audiovisuals, periodicals, graduate thesis documents, drawings, and plans.

Atkins Library is open 24/5 (Sunday from 11 a.m. until Friday at 10 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.) during the regular semester, and 24/7 during finals.  For more information, visit library.charlotte.edu.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found is located on the first floor of the Facilities Management/Police and Public Safety Building.  Contact Police and Public Safety if you have questions about items you’ve lost or need to report a lost item you found.  

Notary Public

There are a number of volunteer notaries at UNC Charlotte and a list may be found on the Office of Legal Affairs’ website.


Parking and Transportation Services (PaTS) is charged with the responsibility of providing parking and transportation service for UNC Charlotte students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Parking Permits

The PaTS office is located in the Facilities Operations/Parking Services Building.  All campus parking requires the purchase of a University parking permit or payment at meters or in the visitor decks.  Parking permits may be purchased online at pats.charlottewp.psapp.dev.  Permits do not guarantee proximity parking, nor do they reserve a specific parking space in any lot or deck.  Complete permit information including prices, permit types, and where each permit allows you to park; parking rules and regulations; and a PDF of the Campus Parking Information Guide are available online at pats.charlottewp.psapp.dev.

Police and Public Safety

UNC Charlotte Police & Public Safety is a fully authorized state police agency, providing both police and security services to a campus of 30,000 students, faculty and staff. The Department is comprised of two divisions–Patrol and Support Services–with a special emphasis on community oriented policing. The UNC Charlotte Police Department collaborates regularly with the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Force and other regional law enforcement agencies.

Post Office, Passport & Shipping Services

Mail and Package Services is a fully operational Postal Contract Station located in Prospector, capable of services equivalent to that of a U.S. Post Office.  Packages are shipped and received through the United States Postal Service. 

Union Station in the Student Union offers USPS, DHL, and FedEx shipping options. Union Station has also been certified as a Passport Acceptance Facility to process U.S. Passports and submit them for Department of State approval.

Public Relations

University Communications is the University’s agent for communicating with the campus community and with off-campus publics through the mass media. Members of the University community are cautioned against representing themselves as speaking for the institution when approached for information by the media. University Communications provides assistance when responding to mass media inquiries.  For more information, refer to University Policy 605.1, Dissemination of News.


University Recreation

University Recreation (UREC) membership is offered to currently enrolled students, Faculty, Staff and their dependents, Retirees, UNC Charlotte Affiliates and UNC Charlotte Business Partners.  UREC members have access to a wide range of programs, services, and amenities.  Visit the UREC site for details and pricing.

Venture Program

Venture offers a variety of outdoor adventure and experiential learning trips, programs and workshops.  Activities include day trips as well as weekend trips in a variety of outdoor endeavors from backpacking to rock climbing to kayaking (to name only a few).  Venture also hosts and facilitates many programs on its on-campus Team Challenge Course, High Team Challenge Course, and indoor climbing wall. Venture programs are modeled on the Outward Bound philosophy and are designed to facilitate individual growth through physical challenge, group interaction, and personal reflection – all while having fun.  Venture also houses a resource library to help individuals plan their own adventure trips.  Outdoor camping gear can be rented. 

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the largest student programming organization and is responsible for planning diverse, quality events for the University community. CAB was founded early on in the history of UNC Charlotte, and maintains a vital role in fostering 49er spirit and traditions such as Union TakeOvers, TBT Lunch and Movies, and the Homecoming concert.

Research Services and Outreach

Research Services and Outreach provides services for the review and submission of proposals to funding agencies, including the interpretation of guidelines, preparation of budgets, and mailing and tracking of proposals.  This office coordinates research-support efforts with college research officers.

Tickets to University Events

Athletic Events

Faculty members may purchase individual and season tickets to UNC Charlotte sporting events at a discount for themselves and members of their immediate families. For ticket information, visit the Charlotte 49ers website.

Movies, Plays, and Concerts

The Departments of Dance, Music, and Theatre present performances in dance, music, and theater.  For many of these performances there is no charge.  Faculty members receive a discount on tickets to theater productions.  Announcements of performances appear on the Inside UNC Charlotte or College of Arts + Architecture websites.

The University Program Board sponsors films, concerts, and entertainment on campus, and faculty members are welcome at any and all such events.  

The Student Union offers current and classic movies at discounted rates. 

University Development

The Office of University Development coordinates efforts to secure financial support from the private sector to meet needs not provided for through state appropriations. Although advance approval for gift solicitation is required from the Development Office, all administrative units and all members of the University community are encouraged to identify and to assist in soliciting gifts from prospective donors.  In order to ensure that solicitations are made in a manner that will best serve the interests of the University as a whole and will not conflict with other solicitations being conducted or planned by the University, the Development Office must review all plans for gift solicitations prior to implementation and acceptance.

For more information, refer to University Policy 602.2, Solicitation and Acceptance of Gifts.

UNC Charlotte Urban Institute

The UNC Charlotte Urban Institute is a nonpartisan, applied research and community outreach center at UNC Charlotte. Founded in 1969, it provides services including technical assistance and training in operations and data management; public opinion surveys; and research and analysis around economic, environmental, and social issues affecting the Charlotte region.

student resources

Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES)

The Office of Adult Students and Evening Services (OASES) serves as a principal resource for nontraditional students, and offers extended hours to serve these students.   OASES works collaboratively with academic units to provide advising, educational and social programming, honor society recognition, readmission services, scholarship opportunities, and the 49er Finish Program. Visit oases.charlottewp.psapp.dev for detailed information, including office hours. 

Athletic Academic Center

The Charlotte 49ers Athletic Academic Center provides assistance to all Charlotte varsity student-athletes to achieve academic and personal success at the University by providing support services designed to meet their unique needs and ensuring the student athlete’s compliance with all National Collegiate Athletic Association, Conference, and University regulations.  Academic advisors provide academic advising services, priority registration, tutorial services, supervised study sessions, a computer lab, résumé writing assistance, a life skills program, and academic recognition. 

Counseling Center

The Counseling Center at UNC Charlotte supports the academic, personal, and interpersonal development of UNC Charlotte students by providing short-term individual and group counseling; consultation for faculty, staff, parents, and students; and educational programs to the campus community.  Consistent with the academic mission of the University, the Center also serves as a training site for graduate students in psychology and counseling and encourages scholarly activity and professional development of staff.

Dean of Students

The Dean of Students Office is a department within the Division of Student Affairs and serves as a key link between students and other areas of campus life.  The mission of the Dean of Students Office is to enhance student learning and interpersonal growth by serving as a resource for students and families navigating the Niner Nation journey.  Each program unit within the Dean of Students Office has a specific mission, but one common goal: to provide education, outreach, and support that maximizes opportunities to fully participate in and authentically contribute to the University experience.  Program areas housed within the Dean of Students Office include: Identity, Equity, and Engagement; New Student and Family Services; Student Assistance and Support Services; Student Conduct and Academic Integrity; and Veteran Services.  The Dean of Students Office, along with its programs and services, is the central point of contact when individuals want to get involved, need to resolve a conflict, have questions about policies and procedures, or are trying to identify campus resources and information that will put them on the path to success.  Through dedicated, passionate, and knowledgeable staff, the Dean of Students Office provides guidance and advocacy for students, empowers independent thinking and problem solving skills, exposes students to diverse perspectives, encourages personal accountability, and cultivates civility and global citizenship.

Disability Services

The Office of Disability Services works with departments across UNC Charlotte to ensure that educational programs and campus facilities are accessible to individuals with disabilities.  Students with disabilities who wish to receive accommodations must provide documentation from their healthcare provider to Disability Services.  After a determination of eligibility is made, students schedule a registration appointment with a Disability Services counselor to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations.  Disability Services offers a wide range of accommodations based on specific, documented disability needs.

It is the mission of the Office of Disability Services to provide access to education and campus life and to support a culturally rich, inclusive, and accessible campus environment.  The Office recognizes that services and accommodations can be different in college than in high school, and can even vary from college to college.  Students are encouraged to contact Disability Services with questions they might have about eligibility, services, and accommodations.

For more informaiton, see University Policy 501.1, Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability Regulation.

Experiential Learning Programs

The majority of UNC Charlotte students (over 90%) are expected to and do participate in University-sanctioned experiential learning programs. Opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students to receive course credit, or other recognition for supervised experiences in public and private agencies within the community, nationally, and internationally. These opportunities are offered through experiential learning programs including over 670 courses involving clinical rotations, cooperative education, internships, and practicums.


Honors College

The Honors College offers academically talented and highly motivated students opportunities for intellectual breadth, undergraduate research, service learning, and a community feeling within the context of a large public research university.  Comprised of several distinct honors programs, each with its own standards for admission and requirements for graduation, the Honors College is a campus hub for undergraduate honors courses, enrichment opportunities, merit scholars programs, honors scholarships, study abroad, community service, faculty lectures, and University-wide advising for pre-health professions and competitive national awards like the Rhodes, Truman, and Goldwater.  An honors residence option in Levine Hall is also available for all students in the Honors College.

The University Honors Program

The University Honors Program (UHP) in the Honors College offers a unique, interdisciplinary undergraduate experience. The program centers around honors coursework, community engagement, and leadership opportunities. In addition to academic and professional development, UHP offers a supportive community of students and faculty who mutually invest to help members develop to their fullest potential as scholar citizens. Students are encouraged to participate in varied enrichment activities, internships, research, and Education Abroad programs with the goal of broadening perspectives.

Academic Department and College Honors Programs

Many academic departments and colleges have honors programs enabling students to graduate with honors distinction in their academic discipline or college.  This recognition will appear on students’ official academic transcripts.

Housing and Residential Life

University towers, suites, and apartments offer students a variety of living arrangements.  Students who plan to live on campus should apply as soon as possible, as assignments are made according to a combination of factors including: date of completed application, community preferences, roommate requests, space availability, class year, and building/room preferences.  Application for housing may be made online at housing.charlotte.edu following the student’s admission to the University. 

International Programs

The Office of International Programs (OIP) strives to strengthen international education at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, as well as in the Charlotte community.  On campus, it seeks to make international understanding and global awareness a fundamental part of the curriculum and an integral part of campus programming.

Learning Communities

UNC Charlotte’s Learning Community Program is transforming the way students live, learn, and succeed in their academic endeavors.  Learning communities help new students transition through academic and social challenges by providing small, supportive living and learning environments.  Students interact closely with UNC Charlotte faculty, staff and peer mentors through areas of common interest, enroll in 2 or 3 of the same courses and in many cases live together in the same residence hall.  Through the year-long learning communities, students make friends and develop close relationships.

While most learning communities are residentially based, some do not require living on campus.  Most learning communities designed for freshmen; some are specifically designed for new transfer students.

For more information, visit the Learning Communities website.

Diversity and Inclusion

The Office of Academic Diversity and Inclusion, while open to all students, emphasizes academic support to students from the following populations: African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, Native American, Multi-racial, LGBTQ, first generation, students from rural communities and students who have a reported disability.

Academic Diversity and Inclusion consists of a variety of distinct programs collaborating to reach a singular objective: to provide academic support services that foster the recruitment, retention, and graduation of students, especially underrepresented students at UNC Charlotte. Services rendered include, but are not limited to: academic advising, academic issues workshops, peer counseling and tutoring, and personal counseling. Moreover, the office serves as a clearinghouse for information and referrals to other University resources and academic support services.

Religious and Spiritual Life

The Office of Identity, Equity, and Engagement educates, develops, and engages students regarding their various intersecting identities (gender identity, socioeconomic status, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual identity, etc).  Their mission is to provide students an affirming and equitable environment committed to fostering a campus community that celebrates and supports expansion of identities.  For more information, visit the website.

Student Financial Aid

The University offers a comprehensive program of student financial aid (scholarships, grants, loans, and part-time employment) to assist both graduate and undergraduate students in meeting educational expenses. Reasonable educational expenses include tuition and fees, room and board, books, supplies, transportation, miscellaneous personal expenses, and expenses related to maintenance of a student’s dependents.   Students facing financial difficulty that may interfere with their progress at the University should be referred to Niner Central.

Student Health Center

The Student Health Center’s mission is to promote healthy students by providing health care, education and outreach services.  It provides primary medical care, disease prevention, health education, wellness promotion, and various specialty services; including allergy injections, immunizations, gynecology, physical therapy, and HIV screening to all enrolled UNC Charlotte students.  The Student Health Center is staffed by a team of physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners.  The Student Health Center also provides a full-time psychiatrist and a registered dietician.  The pharmacy fills prescriptions from outside physicians as well as the Center’s own providers.

For more information, visit studenthealth.uncc.edu.

Undergraduate Education

The Office of Undergraduate Education at UNC Charlotte enriches the academic community by offering a broad range of initiatives promoting student success, ensuring access, and enhancing the educational experience of all students.  Through transition programs, learning communities, support for student-athletes, academic advising, career services, experiential learning, honors education, disability services, tutorial programs, and initiatives for underrepresented students, the Office of Undergraduate Education cultivates life skills critical to successful graduation and global citizenship.  Advocating for the needs of a diverse student population, the Office of Undergraduate Education utilizes an integrated student-centered approach which reinforces rigorous academic expectations and encourages student engagement from the time of enrollment through graduation.

University Career Center

The University Career Center (UCC) offers comprehensive career services designed to assist undergraduate and graduate students in all stages of career development.  Each student has a specific career advisor (based on the student’s major and including undeclared majors).  Career advisors assist students with exploring majors and careers, gaining experience, conducting job and internship searches, and transitioning after graduation.  In addition to individual appointments and group workshops, the UCC hosts career fairs and events throughout the year and provides a host of resources online at career.uncc.edu.  UCC staff collaborate with academic colleges to coordinate experiential learning, and career advisors teach career-related sections of freshman and transfer seminars. 

For more information, visit career.charlotte.edu

University Center for Academic Excellence

Designed to improve academic performance and foster meaningful learning experiences, the University Center for Academic Excellence (UCAE) provides services, programs, and resources to help students develop and refine critical thinking skills, utilize self-management skills, and learn course material more efficiently while earning higher grades.  UCAE collaborates with various colleges and programs on campus to promote the success of undergraduate and graduate students.  All services are free to enrolled UNC Charlotte students.  UCAE offers the following programs and services. 

For more information, visit ucae.charlottewp.psapp.dev.

Writing Assistance

First-Year Writing

First-year writing courses serve as the foundation for writing practice that will continue as students progress through their studies.

Writing Resources Center

The Writing Resources Center (WRC) helps students at any stage of the writing process for any subject (whether academic or personal).


Academic Integrity Case Referrals

Academic Integrity Case Referrals

Swift resolution of suspected Academic Misconduct cases is highly desirable for both the institution and the accused Student. To this end, Faculty Members and Referring Parties are responsible for timely communication with the appropriate University officials involved in the Academic Misconduct process.

  1. Faculty Members responsible for assigning final grades in an academic exercise or course may acquire information of suspected Academic Misconduct either directly or through information supplied by others. After collecting the information available, the Faculty Member or Referring Party determines whether the case warrants an adjudication.
  2. If the Faculty Member or Referring Party determines that the information is sufficient to warrant an adjudication, they should contact the Director as soon as reasonably practicable. Failure by the Faculty Member or Referring Party to cooperate in the process or to notify the Director promptly may, at the discretion of the Director, result in the case no longer being pursued through the Academic Misconduct process.
  3. The Director will inform the Faculty Member or Referring Party which resolution option is available. The Faculty Member or Referring Party should not take any further steps until hearing from the Director.
  4. Once the Director has notified the Faculty Member or Referring Party about the appropriate resolution options, Faculty Members or Referring Parties are encouraged to notify the Students immediately that they are suspected of Academic Misconduct and the resolution process available.
  5. Extraordinary circumstances may require that these guidelines be adjusted on a case-by-case basis by the Chair or the Director.
  6. In cases where the Academic Misconduct adjudication process is not complete by the time course grades are due, the Faculty Member must assign the grade of “I” in the course (if the conduct is in the context of a course) pending the final resolution of the case.

Academic Misconduct may be addressed through Informal Resolution, Facilitated Resolution, In Absentia Resolution, or Formal Resolution procedures. See Procedures for Adjudication of Academic Misconduct Cases at https://legal.charlotte.edu/procedures-adjudication-academic-misconduct-cases

Informal Resolution Procedures

  1. The Faculty Member should meet with the Student, present the information of Academic Misconduct, and request an explanation from the Student.
  2. After considering the Student’s explanation, if the Faculty Member determines that Academic Misconduct has occurred, the Faculty Member should propose an Informal Resolution by filling out and signing the Informal Resolution form, noting the sanction to be applied and should then give the form to the Student.
  3. The Student has three Days to consider and seek advice on whether to accept responsibility and the sanctions proposed by the Faculty Member.
  4. If the Student accepts the Informal Resolution, the Student must again meet with the Faculty Member and sign the Informal Resolution in the presence of the Faculty Member or designee. The Faculty Member should then implement the sanction(s).
  5. The Faculty Member must forward the Student’s completed Informal Resolution form to the Director within three Days after the Student has signed the form.
  6. The Student may not appeal an Informal Resolution.
  7. If the Student declines an Informal Resolution, the Director may refer the case to a Facilitated Resolution or Formal Resolution for adjudication.

For information on Facilitated Resolution and Formal Resolution procedures, see: https://legal.charlotte.edu/procedures-adjudication-academic-misconduct-cases

Instructions for Adjudication of Academic Integrity Cases through Informal Resolution:

If the student has no prior academic misconduct, the instructor responsible for assigning the final grade for the course can offer an Informal Resolution. If the allegation is a (1) severe first offense, (2) second or subsequent offense, (3) the student declines an Informal Resolution, or (4) a more severe penalty is deemed appropriate, a Facilitated Resolution or Formal Resolution (Hearing) may be necessary.  If you would like to discuss resolution options, please contact our office.

Please submit all completed Informal Resolutions via the Submission Form by the corresponding deadlines indicated here. If you need to submit an Academic Integrity Charge Form for a student who is not eligible for an Informal Resolution or you have been unable to get into contact with the student, please also submit those by the corresponding deadlines. If you have questions or concerns regarding these deadlines, please email accountability@uncc.edu.

For detailed steps, see Student Accountability and Conflict Resolution’s Informal Resolution Procedures.

For further information and resources see SACR’s Academic Integrity site.

Campus Office and Phone Numbers

The UNC Charlotte website offers a comprehensive list of University resources.

Governance Documents and Institutional Policies & Procedures Websites
University Information Websites